Monday, 13 June 2011

Its not them its us.

The theme yesterday was leaders of England and who will unite us all.

Today i am going to move onto the current crop of people who we have running the country and those who have had a chance of running the country and failed the people quite successfully.

We have a coalition government led by Cameron and Clegg , before these we had Brown and Blair and they are all doing what appears to be the best that they possibly can to kill this country dead.

Cameron went to Pakistan and apologised for our behaviour and gave them £650 million.
Clegg has given away his sole for a seat in power - example the student fees which he said he would not back , but never stopped them being raised.
Blair lied to us time and time again and has never repented.
Brown was equally as bad as Blair and did nothing for the English side of the border , but did sign up to the Scottish claim of right.

None of these leaders has actually stopped and looked at this country and thought about what we need.
We are / were bombing Libya - Billions of £'s and £650 million to Pakistan plus the money we pay to the EU and get nothing worthwhile back in return.

So "Its not them its us"
It may not be a popular view but i have thought it so i will put it in writing.

The influx of immigration , the Tower Hamlets issue , the British Jobs for British workers which is not happening cos they go to others who work for less.
The selling off of our heritage like the attempt to sell off our national forests and to my knowledge Dover is still up for sale.
And much much more.
The people who are taking what the government are offering are only doing so because they are being allowed to do so.
Immigration is happening because the people that we elected are allowing it to happen.
The Tower Hamlets issue - the mayor with the backing from the IFE and Ken Livingston has happened because it has been allowed to happen because of the government that we have elected.
There was a list in one of today's newspapers of 14 people who are all threats to national security who will be freed before the Olympics and will not have served their sentences , I think one of them run a terrorist training camp in England somewhere and others had links to terrorism?
None of these people are going to do anything good for this country and should remain in jail for the full length of their jail term , if they are from this country they need to be watched when released , if they are not they need to be deported as soon as possible.

Right so WE , The people are allowing this to happen.

We had a chance to do something about this last year in the general election, but failed to and we elected the same sort of tripe as we did the election before and the election before that.

We had a chance this year around the country to put into councils some fresh people who are not from the status quo of Lib/Lab/Con , but again people failed in numbers to do anything - admittedly some patriots were voted in but it was few and far between.

So why do we do this to ourselves the answer is simple I don't know.

You can not blame the people who take , take , take from us if the government are offering stuff and they are taking it.
The Mayor of Tower Hamlets Rahman played the game by the rules and although some of what he did was suspect (so suspect the Labour party kicked him out) he did what he did with his supporters in a way that could not be challenged.
He now has access to a budget of £1billion which is a great deal and it is his and his aides to do with as they think suitable.

You can not blame the people who come to this country and use the NHS or claim benefits from us because they are doing it according to the laws that are in place and they are doing it well.

You can not blame the people who break the laws of the land and use the Human rights laws to stay here as it is being given to them and they are playing by the rules under the current laws.

YES I KNOW people are not happy and there is nothing we can do because it is the law of the land and it is OUR FAULT , Yes that's right it is down to us and what we are doing.

To change anything we need to change the law makers and the ways that they do it at the moment they are doing what they want when they want.
We have the people who support the patriot movement , the problem is the spilt votes when there is an election and we need to do something about it , sooner rather than later.

We have to play the game according to how the rules are written , we need to get people out of the mindset of voting for what is classed as the big 3 party's and get them to take notice of the others and get people elected who can get into the corridors of power and start to change things for the better.

Its time to get people to wake up and smell the coffee.

Its time we got our heads together as a thinking people and used our brains and got them to work for us.

The next big election to my knowledge is the GLA (greater London assembly) 2012 or the Mayoral elections - Yes Boris is there now and we know it will be a 2 horse race between him and Ken.
But we need to make sure Boris wins and Ken is kept as far away as possible from power - remember he did support the ousted Labour candidate and new mayor in Tower Hamlets Rahman and he did support the IRA in the 80's by flying black flags over the then GLC - so he should be UNELECTABLE.

So we vote for Boris but use our other votes wisely and with confidence and use them to vote for party's that will make a difference - Yes most people know I am an English Democrat and I will have my name most properly on that list of candidates , but there is also UKIP and others to elect so we need to stop and think wisely and do what is right.
Forget about the LibDems and the Labour Party , its time for them to move over and allow others some time to so what is right.

Think about it we have some time , but don't take too long - Your country needs you and we can start in London and work our way out
Planning , strategy and forward thinking.
You know it makes sense

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Englands Leaders

The Scottish people had Sir William Wallace , Now they have Alex Salmond who is leading them and appears to have galvanised the people of Scotland together - not everybody will agree with this , but it is just my view.

The People of England , the English people - have many people who lead their own groups , parties or organisations.

You have many groups that want to do what is right for England and have their own goals or aims - they all have their own leadership and their own followers.

But we need ONE PERSON to come to the forefront and lead the whole of England and its people , we need ONE PERSON to come along and take us by the hand and guide us into the right direction , so that we can all stand as one people.
At the moment we have too many people who are doing their own thing , that is not maybe a bad thing because some of those people who are doing the leading are great people and they are doing what they can with the resources that they have to hand.

We have many groups and many peoples , many people belong to at least one if not more than one group English Democrats , March for England , English defence league , for England party , English shieldwall , English nationalist Association , Campaign for an English parliament , British Patriots society , UKIP , BNP - yes some of these groups look out for Britain as well as England - But they all have the same thing in common.
That thing that they all have in common is a Independent leader and followers which is great or is it , THAT'S THE QUESTION , Is it great.

We need a person to step forward and stand up and be there to join us all together.
A person who is so great that everybody turns and says they are the leader of England , They are the person i am going to follow and i will dedicate my support to that person and what they wish to achieve

That person would need to be magnetic and magical so that when those who are guaranteed to attack them , they would just shrug their shoulders and move on.
They would have to be charismatic , they would need to know how to play the media and to get people from all groups to work together.

It would be a tough job and just like the England football manager there would be people waiting in the wings to rip them to shreds at the first chance that they got.

The Question is where are we going to find this person that will represent the whole of England and everything that England stands for?
Have we found them already , Are they standing among us already on the many Demo's that the English Defence league take part in ?
Are they Hidden away in a party like the English Democrats , just waiting for their chance to grab the limelight ?
Are already leading a group which stands up for England and has done so for a long time and which has been around for longer than most of us realise and March for England
And this is a big or is it someone who we all have no idea about and is standing around with all the ideas but just wants to worry about who murdered who in Eastenders.

Many people support what is called the English Cause - but they are all divided in some way - there are many different party's who field candidates in elections all over the country and they all take votes away from each other.

In a parliamentary election you could get 3 or 4 parties standing in the same area and they could take a couple of thousand votes between them - granted not enough to win the seat , but if people saw that people are willing to forget about their differences and unite , then there is a possibility that more people would come over and vote.

Achieving that may well mean that at a general election the English Nationalist vote (not my term) or the patriots who stood for election would possibly get voted in and could then do some good for the people of this country.

So the BIG question is where do we find this magnificent man who will front the the campaign for England?
Where do we find this truly amazing woman who will unite us all and lead us from the front?

So stand up and step forward that person - Unite as all as one and lets get England back on the road to recovery , lets step out of the European union and make our own laws and not waste any more cash on them.
Lets get ourselves out of the human rights charter so we can allow our judges to pass the right sentences for the right people.
And lets loss this politically correct nonsense where to many people worry about what they are going to say and who they are going to say it to.

Stand united - One people , One country , One law - Only one England.