Thursday, 10 February 2011


I think this would have been or will be blogged by nearly every person who blogs something that has to do with politics , so I hope to offer something a tad different but along the same lines.

Prisoners and votes - Well I've said it before when they break the law they lose the right to cast their vote as I think that the crime they have set out to commit shows that they are not responsible enough to be given the chance to vote and that is why they have been sent to prison.
They have committed a crime and in doing so have shown they have no idea what responsibility is and it is right to not allow them to vote.

Now the person who started all this off is actually a murdered and he hacked someone to death , so the person he killed lost her right to vote and thus it is right he is unable to do so - just my view remember , but a valid one me thinks.
He did this on our money with legal aid , something there is not right really as he has broken the law and had a sentence passed by a judge , but has been found guilty in a court of law with a jury of his peers , it beggars belief that there are people willing do this and obviously he will appeal at some stage if he has lost and waste more tax payers money - its things like this that make this once so great nation a laughing stock and allows people to take advantage of how we are - but who can blame people , if you are offered something for nothing you are not going to refuse it are you - the blame should lay totally at the doorstep of the people who allow this type of thing to go on because they are too weak to stop it -THE GOVERNMENT.
Prison should be a place where people go whom have committed crimes and and those who have committed more serious crimes should lose their rights to many things as they have taken something away from people - I know many people may not agree but that's the idea of a blog so i can put my view across.
Prison should be made as uncomfortable as possible so the people there do not want to return and there should be limited , if any perks so that the life of a prisoner is that a person comes out and thinks they do not want to return as its the worst place in the world.

The European Union is proving now that our Parliament is against the people of England / Britain and that everything our government do has to be rubber stamped by the people in Brussels.
So we have a puppet government here , yes it was voted for but the real power actually lies outside our borders now.
Cameron has chosen to use the prison votes as a way to rebel against the E.U but is it too little to late and can or is this the beginning of him trying to do something right or is it just a token gesture before we sink into oblivion and disappear under the mighty EU
The EU will call in the lawyers and tell us we are wrong so how much will it take to push Dave around before he either gives in or has to give in?
Is he the premier of this country and if he is he will have to show he has some metal in him when the EU challenge this , I think the wording by one MP today was we will do the most we can to stop this with the minimal requirements that we can - so they are going to oppose it but they will have to allow some bits through , so its not a total outright win.

It is time we got a vote on weather we want to be in the European Union as we have never had the choice to say yes or no and its time we did get the choice to vote yay or nay.
But thinking about it and looking at the Irish vote they first voted no and then the mighty EU decided they would have another vote because the people of Ireland got it wrong the first time and pumped more money then me or you could even think about into the yes campaign and offered big firms like Ryan air and air Lingus subtle bribes to back the yes campaign , again if you are offered something like they were and its free and all you have to do is spend money that you have been given for free to show you back something and a few extra air routes then you are gonna back it with glee.

When the vote happens the BBC and other channels will push a massive yes vote we will need to win it out right by a massive majority to ensure we don't have to vote a second time around.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

The English casue

This is England and we are the people of England.

The English cause is what many people believe in and that cause is what makes me and many others tick.
I am fairly new to the fight for England and its future - I have only been fighting the good fight for about 3 years - I was a late starter and for that i am truely ashamed of myself as seeing what i have seen , it makes me quite sad that it took meover 35 years to wake up and see what is happening and what England needs.

There are many people out there who stand up for England and the people of England and those people do so of their own free will.
There are many different groups and parties around that will tell you they are the ones who are fighting for England and that they are the ones who you should turn to and join.

I am an English Democrat , It is it appears in my blood and I have campaigned for them , Stood for them and spoken about them many times over the last few years.
I have travelled miles to get to places where they have held meetings and to support people - I have stood out in many different weathers to do what is right for them.
There are many many different groups who stand up but many of us do it in our own way - The English Democrats do it via the ballot box and with activists in the streets talking to people , at the moment in many areas we are running elect a mayor campaigns and also standing in by elections.

Other groups such as the ENA and EDL tend to hold marches and demo's in towns and cities around the country and highlight different causes , The ENA also try and support English candidates so they get a boost when they are out and about standing for elections.

The cause is many things - One which many people stand on is an English parliment - Scotland , Ireland and Wales all have their own or their own equivelents where their own MP's vote on thier own issues - then you turn to England and we have , Well actually we have nothing of our own , we have a British parliment which sits in the house of commons in London , but there is also in that house Irish , Scottish and Welsh MP's who all debate in that house and get to vote on English issues so they might not feel the need to do what is best for the English people.
Thats why the Campaign for an English parliment exsists (CEP) They campaign for a parliment for England and it is important that we get that parliment so we can be on an equal footing along with the other nations of this kingdom.

Then there is the national anthem - again the others do , but we don't have our own , some people disagree that we need our own anthem but when England play we should sing our anthem like the Scots do when Scotland play - to be honest I dont think they would be happy to have God save the Queen played before a rugby game , but we dont get a choice.

They are just 2 issues that the people who stand up for the English cause believe in and there are quite a few others that people talk about.

The English democrats who put the people of England first want your help so why not have alook at their page and see if you like what you see.

Thursday, 3 February 2011


This is a different kind of entry for me , but variety as they say is the spice of life.

A landland in portsmouth was taken to court because she used a non prescribed satalite decoder , so in others words it was not approved and the big companys didnt like it cus she was watching with the people in her pub either cheaper football or free football.

The European Union has now ruled (Brace yourself as it was in our favour (or at the moment it is) that there is nothing anyone can do to stop people buying cheap satlite decoders and watching premiership football from other stations except SKY and ESPN.

I have news for you , many people watch premiership football online and free or for whatever they pay for their internet service and have done for ages.
The reason is becuase it is expensive to have to pay for sky and espn and other channels and some people just have not got the money to do this , plus many countries actaully watch the English premier league football without paying - I know Hong Kong does as when i was there I sat in my room one morning and watched a live game that kicked off a 3pm - Now how many games do we get to see that kick off at 3pm on a saturday live , I dont think i have ever heard of one to be honest.

So whats the answer.
The answer in my view is the football clubs bring down footyballers wages to a level where they are not treated as supreme beings and players dont get over £50,000 a year and that would mean the clubs had smaller over heads and would not need as much money to pay players and this should have a knock on effect , which would be hopefully cheaper tickets for the fans and maybe even cheaper team shirts.
That would inturn mean the FA or the Premier league did not need as much money from the rights that they sell and that would in turn hopefully mean that if the TV companies did not have to pay as much for the rights to screen the football the people at home would not have to pay as much to watch it.
That would mean everybody including the fans , the clubs , the Tv channels had less overheads and the fans would pay less to watch at home and at the grounds making them happy,
That would mean the clubs did not have such high wages so they could still make profits and maybe make more profits which could lead to a reduction in costs of shirts.
That would mean the TV broadcasters who had not paid as much to screen the football would noty have to charge as much to allow people to watching and more people may sign up , but saying that free is still free at the end of the day - So i know i for one would always take free over being charged even if the commentary is not in English , but as i have said to others you dont need the commentary to "WATCH" football