Thursday, 10 February 2011


I think this would have been or will be blogged by nearly every person who blogs something that has to do with politics , so I hope to offer something a tad different but along the same lines.

Prisoners and votes - Well I've said it before when they break the law they lose the right to cast their vote as I think that the crime they have set out to commit shows that they are not responsible enough to be given the chance to vote and that is why they have been sent to prison.
They have committed a crime and in doing so have shown they have no idea what responsibility is and it is right to not allow them to vote.

Now the person who started all this off is actually a murdered and he hacked someone to death , so the person he killed lost her right to vote and thus it is right he is unable to do so - just my view remember , but a valid one me thinks.
He did this on our money with legal aid , something there is not right really as he has broken the law and had a sentence passed by a judge , but has been found guilty in a court of law with a jury of his peers , it beggars belief that there are people willing do this and obviously he will appeal at some stage if he has lost and waste more tax payers money - its things like this that make this once so great nation a laughing stock and allows people to take advantage of how we are - but who can blame people , if you are offered something for nothing you are not going to refuse it are you - the blame should lay totally at the doorstep of the people who allow this type of thing to go on because they are too weak to stop it -THE GOVERNMENT.
Prison should be a place where people go whom have committed crimes and and those who have committed more serious crimes should lose their rights to many things as they have taken something away from people - I know many people may not agree but that's the idea of a blog so i can put my view across.
Prison should be made as uncomfortable as possible so the people there do not want to return and there should be limited , if any perks so that the life of a prisoner is that a person comes out and thinks they do not want to return as its the worst place in the world.

The European Union is proving now that our Parliament is against the people of England / Britain and that everything our government do has to be rubber stamped by the people in Brussels.
So we have a puppet government here , yes it was voted for but the real power actually lies outside our borders now.
Cameron has chosen to use the prison votes as a way to rebel against the E.U but is it too little to late and can or is this the beginning of him trying to do something right or is it just a token gesture before we sink into oblivion and disappear under the mighty EU
The EU will call in the lawyers and tell us we are wrong so how much will it take to push Dave around before he either gives in or has to give in?
Is he the premier of this country and if he is he will have to show he has some metal in him when the EU challenge this , I think the wording by one MP today was we will do the most we can to stop this with the minimal requirements that we can - so they are going to oppose it but they will have to allow some bits through , so its not a total outright win.

It is time we got a vote on weather we want to be in the European Union as we have never had the choice to say yes or no and its time we did get the choice to vote yay or nay.
But thinking about it and looking at the Irish vote they first voted no and then the mighty EU decided they would have another vote because the people of Ireland got it wrong the first time and pumped more money then me or you could even think about into the yes campaign and offered big firms like Ryan air and air Lingus subtle bribes to back the yes campaign , again if you are offered something like they were and its free and all you have to do is spend money that you have been given for free to show you back something and a few extra air routes then you are gonna back it with glee.

When the vote happens the BBC and other channels will push a massive yes vote we will need to win it out right by a massive majority to ensure we don't have to vote a second time around.

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