Monday, 11 July 2011

Anjem Choudray

I have not written an issue of my blog for a while now , but feel this is something I need to wrote down for people to read.

Now Anjem Choudray - He is a man who speaks out against Democracy and a man who loves Islam and wants Shariah to be introduced into this country and it looks like he hates everything that is connected to Great Britain past , present and the future.

I see him or something to do with him almost daily in the newspapers or on face book or twitter , but think about this and consider this.
If like i am doing here by dedicating a issue of my blog to him , we are giving him coverage for him to spew his hatred and spread his beliefs and by doing this we are giving him power.

He only has the power because we give it to him , if we ignore his hate and spew he would not be half the so called man he is.
Admittedly he would still be around and talking and preaching his brand of hate with the army of little followers he has , but maybe if we tried to ignore him more and gave him less inches in the press or less time and space on the social networking sites he may not be as big a problem as he is.

I am not saying here that he will go away because he will not and I am not saying he will vanish if we ignore him because he will not and he does need to be opposed and stood up to.
Things like the Shariah control zone which him and his MAC followers and the hate preachers want has to be opposed , but maybe its time to think about what we are doing and make a step change.
Now this is just my idea but I am sure there are people out there with bigger and better ideas - but if we are going to talk about him and his followers and the people of the MAC then take it off of the main pages and take it behind closed doors.
Private messages , Skype , text messages , email to name a few , we have the power and we hold the power to his strenght and we also hold the power to his downfall nd those who follow him.

Look at it this way if we stop , take a step back and look at what he does and says and take him down a few pegs , but do it with style and do it with elegance do not get involved in tit for tat events , jus remove him.
If he issues a statement or posts something on his website/face book/MAC page or Twitter have a look at i and read it so you , I , we , all of us know what is going on and then if it is offensive report it to the required people , if it is highly debatable then report it to the police or the ISP which provides his service , after a while we will hit on something and something will be done bout it / and or him , It may take a while to do this as it is not a quick solutions b any means but we will get there.
Report things as spam or report things as offensive to the isp , not just one or to of us but a whole heap of us , The EDL had at my last look just under 90,000 people on it , then we have the MFE , EDP , ENA and many others who all have their own followers and aims.

We still need to go out and oppose events like the Breaking the silence , the bill posting and when he goes to places like the American embassy to burn our flags and make people like Bin Laden martyrs as it is always good to be seen out , so they know we are still around , but again look at what we do and how we do it.

When we went to the American embassy to oppose him when he was praying with his followers after Bin Laden was removed we were kept too far away to do anything , so maybe a group appears and does what they do and a few , not so well known with out flags or colour hang around take pictures , record images and then go away and have a look and see what is inflammatory or offensive and report it.
Maybe we even have somewhere a good friendly solicitor who may help or a law student or person who can help out a friendly policeman who can say yes this can be reported , this cant etc etc.

Step change and game plan - work openly but with plans taken away from the public eye , we know that the police and others watch what people do on here and we know that they work against us.
All you have to do is look at the March for England event last Saturday when for no reason they were removed from a pub in London for no other reason than they wanted to do it , or maybe it was because they were to close to an Islamic conference and taken to Bromley , for not doing anything wrong.
We know that we are fighting a battle that is going to be hard and the state is working against us , so lets not make it easy for them and make it as difficult as possible for them to do these things.

Remember the reasons we are doing this and just in case you have forgotten there are 2 main reasons.
The first is "for our today they gave their tomorrows" Yesterdays and today's soldiers of old and new.

The Second - We do this not for us but for our children and our children's children's freedom and right to walk the streets of England and Great Britain freely as we have done for a long long time.


  1. Well wrote Ben, I actively do as you say, but sometimes the need to make public his rants and hatred are too great. But in principal you have hit the nail squarely on the head.

  2. Snag is Ben we been turning the other cheek and ignoring peeps like this for too many years and out of that ignorance they have grown in to what they are now with the resources and numbers that we simply don't have. This is one itch which won't be ignored and has to be scratched.

  3. Thats partly why i havesaid about taking it off of these social sites so he and other dont get big heads and the less we appear t take notice of him the more frustrated he and they will get and the more likely they are too do something stupid and get heckled or scorned for it.
    We do have the numbers but we work so it is hard to get them together like they do quickly
