Sunday, 8 May 2011
If you see an E.U flag flying , take up the mantle and if they are not flying your flag go and ask them why not , state that YES we are in the EU but not through choice and that you have never been asked if you actually want to be a person classed as a member of the European Union superstate and that they should be flying your flag as well - As if they are not it could be discrimination and that you will complain to the Equality and human rights commission.
Once you have done that go tell your friends to do the same and get a stready stream of people going to the same place and really annoy them - once you have done this contact the EHRC (Equality and human rights commission)
Link here
Revolution - It is begining to happen - We have stood up to Nick Clegg and his drive to get more seats in the house of commons via the back door and said a huge NO to him in the AV vote and also in the council elections - He after all has no right to have a seat at David Camerons side in the government as he and his party came 3rd - He and his party were delt a major kicking last Thursday by the people - The people have spoken and given their verdict on him and his partys policys
The revolution took a step in the right direction when Cameron was falsed to back track on the selling off of the public forests - Remember that word Public that means me and you - the people who put them into the house of commons -They speak for you.
The Revolution continues and we need to be seen to be standing up even more than we have done in the past.
The quite revolution can have as much success as the loud revolution - they both have their places and they both have the right people in the right places doing what they know is right.
The Revolution continues with HALAL food - why cus we have the right to know what we are eating and should be allowed to make an informed choice with knowledge of knowing what we are eating - Its right and its fair - Complain to the EHRC again and tell them you want a choice and you want knowledge of what you are eating.
Also look to this page on facebook - there are other links on this page as well - fairness and eqaulity rules , one law for all.
The quite revolution continues
An English Parliment to make it equal for the people of England - The Scots have their own parliment , The Welsh and Irish have their equivlents and so should we have its right and its fair .
We should be able to make our own choices with our own MP's in our own parliment without influence from the Scots , the Welsh and the Irish MP's just like they have the ability to do in their parliments.
The Scottish Parliment on April 1st made it so the prescription charges were free to Scottish people (i have no problem with that (good luck to them)) but without our own parliment we are unable to make these laws for us , The people of England , We currently pay £7.40 per item and that can become costly if you need medication on a weekly basis and need more than one item
Link Below
The people of England and the people of Britain are good at being quite it is something we have always been good and - so the Quite revolution is ideal and suits people down to the ground.
Be part of the Quite revolution and take the bull by the horns.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Mr Bin Laden the alleged man behind the 9/11 plot was finally found and removed from society in Parkistan after a 10 year hunt by the Americans.
Depending on what reports you have read is depending on what you believe but according to the the Americans their special forces shot him and then fed him to the fish - I wonder if that counts as Halal food cus he had Islamic prayers said over him (allegedly) according to islamic tradition.
Anyway he's gone he was aparently living in Parkistan for some time in a huge compound and the strike took place without knowledge of the Parkistani authoritys.
There has been a question asked that if the yanks can do this to him then why not to others and slowly eradicate the world terrorist problem - It was mention that they could have removed Mugabe of Zimbabwe as well as he has been killed people in his own country for a long time now.
I can think of a list of people who they could also remove Ken Livingston , Gerry Adams , George Galloway , Choudray of the MAC , the Mayor of Tower Hamlets , Tony Blair , Gordon Brown - You can proberly think of more.
Anyway Today the MAC took to the streets of London once again , and once again protected by the police and allowed to do their thing without thought of stopping them while people looked on and thought is this really happening on the streets of England ?? Is this actually the way the police and the government want people to remember London , The CAPTIAL city of our country where 300 or more Muslim extremists are allowed to pray in the middle of the streets outside the American Embassy to a man who was the worlds most wanted Terrorist and let them get away with it.
We were told by one policewoman she was only doing her job , funny the camp gaurds in the concentration camps said that but allowed it to happen ??
Another told us we were not allowed to fly our George cross flags in the park and he was very grumpy as well.
Surely Bin Laden was a murderer and these fanantics who were in London today praying for him and making him a Martyr were inciting racial hatred and if you want to question how this was inciting hatred , but if you do question is will you get a civilised answer -No.
Today the police had to step in and arrested to of the MAC group becuase they were threatening violence but if you look at the BBC website it says none were arrested.
How the Americans allowed this to happen right outside their gates I have no idea.
Praying in the middle of a public street to a man who killed many many people and masterminded many other attacks - what happened to the public right of way.
You look at it now and it does appear like we have alreay lost out country to extremists and these extremist take it to a completely different level - they are willing to die for their cause Suicide bombers have proven this.
So what do we do - Well simply the answer is we can do nothing unless the government decide to do something but them they banned the ISLAM4UK group now Muslims against the crusaders and if they ban them they will just create another group.
So we have a choice here and it is just 2 choices
The first is we give up and close our front doors and wait with the government for these people to take control of the country and then accept Sharia law and everything that goes with it - i for one would be gone from that country before that happens if it got that far- .
The second is we fight them one the streets - hopefully not with full on violence - but in the sense with groups such as the EDL /MFE and ENA to name a few show so much pressure that the government decideds to act and do something drastic - maybe follow the french way to start with ??
And also we get people to vote in Patriots so that we have people working on the inside and making sure the right things happen.
And this is the important thing This is England or Britain we have in this country along side us Scotland ,Ireland and Wales and we have proud traditions and heritidge and we should not let them just disappear and ask yourself this if you moved to a country where the rulers ruled under sharia law and you wnated the kind of stuff the MAC wanted would you get it.
Monday, 2 May 2011
The Wizard of Oz
So we have Osman Bin Laden killed by the Americans in Pakistan after a 10 year game of hide and seek which he finally lost.
Then we have Gaddafi's youngest son Killed by the people supporting the no fly zone in Libya.
Does that make today or the last few days good days ? ?
I'm not really sure to be honest with you - But Hell yeah as the Americans would say he killed thousands in 9/11 and was responsible for other acts of violence so he ultimately got his just desserts and the Americans got their man - he was the trump in the pack of cards (do you remember the playing cards George Bush revealed one press conference?? )
Does it all end there and can we move on now - Ha ha ha (sorry) the answer to that is by far no as we have already received warnings from our mate Anjem Choudary about another 7/7 in this country and he even went as far saying it could happen today - This guy is a utter twat (my opinion) , He just spews vile hatred or oozes pure hatred and this just winds people up - surely it can be classed as incitement and for which he can be removed from the streets and put inside where no-one will be able to hear him or have to listen to him - but that's not my decision.
Anyway the MAC man (Muslims against the crusaders) does not speak for everyone or even every Muslim - people are beginning to question the ethnics of what he and his little gang are trying to do.
If you want to have a look at some of the rubbish he speaks or writes then go have a look at his website and have a look around.
Anyway apart from us being promised another 7/7 we have to take into consideration the troops in Afghanistan and how this killing could put them at more risk - already the Taliban had announced a spring offensive in Afghanistan and this will prime them even more - so the coming days , weeks or months may not be good and lets hope that the men and women out there on the front line have their wits about them and get to all come home safe.
The Americans were celebrating in the streets of New York and of Washington - they waved their flags and rejoiced about his death - The same was done in Islamic countries (not all) when the world trade centres were attacked and all those people were killed- they were condemned for doing it and celebrating it - so id imagine on tonight's television in state controlled countries the celebrations will also be condemned by them and Jihad will be asked for -AGAIN -
THE LAST WORD - People celebrating as stated above , Obama is now popular in America and I bet if you look at the presidents ratings tonight he will be as popular now as he was when he was elected , Blair the blood baron has congratulated Obama along with Cameron and others and its like a scene from the wizard of Oz when Dorothy lands her house on the wicked witch - just replace the witch with Bin Laden and then look at America and sing Ding dong the wicked witch is dead and bring on the munchkins.
Anyway - as the used to say in Police 5 with Shaw Taylor - keep em peeled and stay safe people.