Monday, 2 May 2011

The Wizard of Oz

So we have Osman Bin Laden killed by the Americans in Pakistan after a 10 year game of hide and seek which he finally lost.

Then we have Gaddafi's youngest son Killed by the people supporting the no fly zone in Libya.

Does that make today or the last few days good days ? ?

I'm not really sure to be honest with you - But Hell yeah as the Americans would say he killed thousands in 9/11 and was responsible for other acts of violence so he ultimately got his just desserts and the Americans got their man - he was the trump in the pack of cards (do you remember the playing cards George Bush revealed one press conference?? )

Does it all end there and can we move on now - Ha ha ha (sorry) the answer to that is by far no as we have already received warnings from our mate Anjem Choudary about another 7/7 in this country and he even went as far saying it could happen today - This guy is a utter twat (my opinion) , He just spews vile hatred or oozes pure hatred and this just winds people up - surely it can be classed as incitement and for which he can be removed from the streets and put inside where no-one will be able to hear him or have to listen to him - but that's not my decision.

Anyway the MAC man (Muslims against the crusaders) does not speak for everyone or even every Muslim - people are beginning to question the ethnics of what he and his little gang are trying to do.

If you want to have a look at some of the rubbish he speaks or writes then go have a look at his website and have a look around.

Anyway apart from us being promised another 7/7 we have to take into consideration the troops in Afghanistan and how this killing could put them at more risk - already the Taliban had announced a spring offensive in Afghanistan and this will prime them even more - so the coming days , weeks or months may not be good and lets hope that the men and women out there on the front line have their wits about them and get to all come home safe.

The Americans were celebrating in the streets of New York and of Washington - they waved their flags and rejoiced about his death - The same was done in Islamic countries (not all) when the world trade centres were attacked and all those people were killed- they were condemned for doing it and celebrating it - so id imagine on tonight's television in state controlled countries the celebrations will also be condemned by them and Jihad will be asked for -AGAIN -

THE LAST WORD - People celebrating as stated above , Obama is now popular in America and I bet if you look at the presidents ratings tonight he will be as popular now as he was when he was elected , Blair the blood baron has congratulated Obama along with Cameron and others and its like a scene from the wizard of Oz when Dorothy lands her house on the wicked witch - just replace the witch with Bin Laden and then look at America and sing Ding dong the wicked witch is dead and bring on the munchkins.

Anyway - as the used to say in Police 5 with Shaw Taylor - keep em peeled and stay safe people.

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