Sunday, 8 May 2011


Tomorrow is European Union day make sure that you enjoy the day as a British , English , Irish , Scottish or Welsh day insted and celebrate your own culture.

If you see an E.U flag flying , take up the mantle and if they are not flying your flag go and ask them why not , state that YES we are in the EU but not through choice and that you have never been asked if you actually want to be a person classed as a member of the European Union superstate and that they should be flying your flag as well - As if they are not it could be discrimination and that you will complain to the Equality and human rights commission.
Once you have done that go tell your friends to do the same and get a stready stream of people going to the same place and really annoy them - once you have done this contact the EHRC (Equality and human rights commission)
Link here

Revolution - It is begining to happen - We have stood up to Nick Clegg and his drive to get more seats in the house of commons via the back door and said a huge NO to him in the AV vote and also in the council elections - He after all has no right to have a seat at David Camerons side in the government as he and his party came 3rd - He and his party were delt a major kicking last Thursday by the people - The people have spoken and given their verdict on him and his partys policys

The revolution took a step in the right direction when Cameron was falsed to back track on the selling off of the public forests - Remember that word Public that means me and you - the people who put them into the house of commons -They speak for you.

The Revolution continues and we need to be seen to be standing up even more than we have done in the past.
The quite revolution can have as much success as the loud revolution - they both have their places and they both have the right people in the right places doing what they know is right.

The Revolution continues with HALAL food - why cus we have the right to know what we are eating and should be allowed to make an informed choice with knowledge of knowing what we are eating - Its right and its fair - Complain to the EHRC again and tell them you want a choice and you want knowledge of what you are eating.
Also look to this page on facebook - there are other links on this page as well - fairness and eqaulity rules , one law for all.

The quite revolution continues
An English Parliment to make it equal for the people of England - The Scots have their own parliment , The Welsh and Irish have their equivlents and so should we have its right and its fair .
We should be able to make our own choices with our own MP's in our own parliment without influence from the Scots , the Welsh and the Irish MP's just like they have the ability to do in their parliments.
The Scottish Parliment on April 1st made it so the prescription charges were free to Scottish people (i have no problem with that (good luck to them)) but without our own parliment we are unable to make these laws for us , The people of England , We currently pay £7.40 per item and that can become costly if you need medication on a weekly basis and need more than one item
Link Below

The people of England and the people of Britain are good at being quite it is something we have always been good and - so the Quite revolution is ideal and suits people down to the ground.
Be part of the Quite revolution and take the bull by the horns.


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