Today August 21st is my wife Raquel's Birthday - Happy birthday honey and sorry i did not spend the whole day with you - you know why and I know that you understand.
Also today in London was Al Quds a march through London by pro Palestine group Hezbullah which to my understanding is an illegal group in nearly every european country around ( if im wrong i will post an apology)
They came to London Like they did last year and marched if you look at the photos calling for Isreal to be destroyed you will see why it was countered
Link to photos (not mine)
They were opposed by people from various groups which included Free Iran whom we stood with last year outside the mayfair Hilton hotel and also March for England , English Defence League and also English Democrats (if i missed you out im sorry)
The arrangements were made and kept fairly quite there was a page for an event put on facebook , the details on that page were not totally correct and we all ad to wait until about 12 hours before hand to find out where we were meeting and when.
I got a text sent to me which was a link to a website that only allowed you to view it one time (id nver seen that before)
No colours or flags were required as it was to be as low profile as possible .
Arriving at the designated station in London i was met by Dave whom was on the look out for the Old Bill but none were around , so we went to the pub and over the next 90 minutes many more patriots all showed up and we just had a chat and a laugh.
At about 12 45 in small groups we set off to piccadilly and found another pub to sit in closer to Trafalgar square , no sooner had we arrived and the police showed up and walked around and spoke to one or 2 people , but this had been advertised as a shopping trip so thats what we were doing , we moved pubs and about 10 minutes after we had arrived the police caught up again so we moved again - this was the way the day was going to be we wee around the police knew we were about but were not sure where we were , who we were and where we would spring from.
Eventually after about 4 pubs i think it was we found our wayto trafalgar square and we mingled with the crowds in small groups , the police showed up evetually and once there they got on their radios and identfied some know people.
A platform was being erected for the Al-Quds speakers to spew their hatred about Isreal and I think this was where last year George Galloway called for 1000 deaths !!
Behind the platform was Nelson standing watching as ever over London and so some people climbed up and positoned themselves behind the platform and speakers.
There is a policy in Trafalgar square as with many places of no Alcohol allowed so some were asked politely to stop drinking.
After about 30 to 40 minutes more police showed up and started roaming around a couple of patriots had taken up residence on the patform and were asked to move which thy did so after a conversation and then the police started to remove those from behind the platform - No real reason was given except that gold command had issued orders for the safety of London and they were asking people to leave the square under section 14.
A position well out of the way in the left hand bottom corner on the opposite side of the road had be given to us for our designated protest point - this would mean we had no chance of being close to any of the marchers and would not be heard because of the main road between us and them so it was a pointless exerise but one which a few found usefull to vent off some steam and shout at the al-quds people as they strolled past.
The idea was to remove as many patriotsas possible from the square so that they had no chance of objecting to the speakers or marchers and the police sept the square and picked up and removed quite a few , some more than once but as they were not issuing actual section 14 paper it was hard for them to know whom had been spoken to and who had not.
The entire exercise was just so that the Al-Quds marchers were left in peace the people behind the platform wanted to fly the English flag but were not going to be allowed to do so ? Is this London the capital of England or another country ?
We did achieve something today , actually we did achieve more than something , the 16000 police which Cameronsaid would protect London were most of the time unaware of where and who we were and what was happening so they had to work hard for their pay today , we also delayed the march entry to the square by about 2 hours with a few people and to quote a few people
Warren "we delayed with about 50 people them by about 2 hours imagine if we had , had more people "
Dave "I saw no EGO's today just people from different groups working together"
And i have to say it was a good day and nice to be out amoung fellow patriots for the cause.
I would ask why to the police we are not allowed to raise of fly the george cross in trafalgar square as it is our country and our flag and i would also ask why they felt the need to remove so many people all of whom were patriots who simply wanted to oppose a march that was not welcome.
But its like Cameron said after ther riots "th EDL are sick" - Yep Dave you are proberly right them and other patriots are sick, sick of being pushed around in a country we love and a country that is worth fighting for and all the groups will be around long after you HAVE been removed from number 10.
It is at this juncture id like to pont out I did get home to my mums to join her and my wife for a roast lamb birthday dinner and we all enjoyed it.
It was a great day and we all had fun , I love each and every patriot who was there today and i know many who did not make it who would have if they could have and I love you all.
See you all in a few weeks
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