First of id like to pay my respects to Lee Rgby's family and offer my condolences , it will not make a blind bit of difference to how they are feeling , but it is there and it comes from the heart.
I'd also like to pay my respects to Lee a hero who never stood a chance and someone's whose life i hope will not be lost in political chatter and spin.
2:20 was the time last wednesday 22nd may when Lee was attacked and murdered , the two cold blooded killers Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22 hacked him to death after disabling him by running him down , too cowardly they were to attack a man who may be able to fight back.
The two cold blooded and heartless islamic killers failed massively in what they set out to achieve , yes they did kill a defenceless soldier who was unable to fight back and what they set out to do , to be honest with you no sentence when they go to trial will be enough.
As followers of Islam once they had carried out their attack they stood around and asked people to take pictures and video of what they had done and people being people did this.
When the police arrived , I think they expected to be shot and killed , this would have made them maytars and sent them to heaven so they could have their 75 virgims (EPIC FAIL 1 and 2) becasue this did not happen and it is not normal for the police to shoot to kill , they are still alive and have not gone to their heaven or found their 75 virgins.
Plus they were shot by a woman police officer which again is an insult to what they believe (EPIC FAIL 3)
Watching the events unfold on TV and over the net on social networking sites it became clear after a few hours if not sooner that this would have wide ranging effects on many many people , a call for unity went up and many people responded to this in the positive.
Saturday there was to be a English defence league march through Newcastle and this would be the first and biggest sign of this unity , The EDL appeared on wednesday evening in woolwich and within minutes the police arrived to contain them , 3 times quicker than they had arrived at where Lee rigby was hacked to death.
On the day 2 people came out of this and thier names became known to many , thier pictures and stories spread across the social media and other places.
ACornish Scout leader Ingrid Loyau-Kennett confronted one of the killers and apprehended them after getting off a bus to help (another woman)
Then Gemini Donnelly-Martin 20 years of age asked the killers if she could be with Drummer Lee Rigby so he did not die alone , Such a noble act and one any person would be proud of. (another woman)
Video has emerged of suspect Michael Adebolajo at an Islamist protest in 2007 (Left, in white clothes)
Since the attack Newcastle has taken place and 7000 patriots took to the streets to show thier support for Lee and his family.
Sunday a march by in woolwich happened and another 3000 patriots took part , plus bikers had a ride by to show thier respects as well.
Then Monday 1000's more took to the streets in London in and around white hall in another march past Downing street (Cameron had by this point scooted off on holiday , becuase the country is safe and secure, not)
This is just a tiny portion of what has happened with people taking to the streets and showing their anger at what has happened and thier support for Lee and his family.
Tomorrow is a week since it happened and I will be attending my local war memorial to pay my respects and hold my own 2 minutes silence in rememberance , still to come after that we will have his funeral and I would imagine the world media will once again be on him and his family as he is laid to rest.
If these two killers thought they would achieve anything by this murder then in fact they have done so , they have brought many people together ,sikhs have laid flowers , normal muslims have laid flowers , people have stood together who might never have done so again becuase of this.
Black and white have united in condemnation of what has happened.
The so called far right has been galvansied and united in strenght , something that may have been weakening has gain strenght and momentum , just look around on the patriot pages and watch the upsurge in people watching and commenting.
Flowers have been laid at the sight of the death in their hundreds with words of wisdom and sorrow , flowers have been laid in and around Lee's home and many more have been laid in other places also to show how people feel.
The momentum is with us , its time to get things done and done right.
The you look at the other side and see the UAF and the antifa and others they have opposed the marches is support of Lee and his family and called the people in them racists and attacked them at different times , this shows a complere lack of knowledge and understanding , this shows that they are supporting the killers and that they have no respect for our armed forces.
Its horrendous when you think about it that people would support killers of such a barbaric nature.
Since the attack much has happened
Mosques have been atatcked which is not suprising as feelings are running high
Muslim leaders and Imans have come out and said this is not Islam , this is becuase they are actually scared of what might happen.
Anjem Choudray has failed to condemn the murder of the soldier , but their is nothing new there as he was and in his own words a disciple of his (see above picture)
The university of Greenwich is to probe extremism in its university , but what it has not said is weather its looking in Islamic or so called right wingness?
A prison office was attacked after an iman had asked to pray with 3 other inmates but they then beat and tortured him (religon of peace again)
Then we had two London Monuments attacked over the last few days one of them included the newly opened bomber command which has big bold red letters written on it saying Islam.
We the patriots are united lets stay that way , lets work together.
Thankyou for reading
comments always welcome
well never a truer word spoken pal,but in their infinite wisdom these attackers of drummer rigby in my book have opened up a pandoras box of hate,and I think things are just about at boiling point for many of us,and in the coming day's and weeks I feel there will be full on battles on our streets.Do I have sympathy for muslim/Islamic followers? no I don't,would I go out and get involved no.but I will also not report anything being done wrong to the police either,i'll just go about my business as if nothings happened.