Welcome back ,
Another day annd another blog.
You know when I started blogging , I never actually thought it was something I would do on a daily regular or daily basis , but there comes a time when you just have to put your thoughts down and let people read whats going on.
Belguim - According to Wikipedia in 2009 the population was under 11 million it sonly a small country so it will be in excess of that now.
You read things online , on different social media and you always have to take bits and pieces with a pinch of salt and work out what is right or wrong.
Unfortunutly this looks like its factual.
You have groups of people running around in different places claiming sharia zones , heckling soldiers , killing people , handing out leaflets , screaming and shouting , all this leads to people getting vexed and different groups having it out verbally or physically with each other.
Nothing else happens people write about , blog about it , set up counter demo's , vigils and groups to stop different things.
Then you have a completly different step which is the ballot box , if you win something in a official vote or election then you have problems becuase its legal and unless you go through different channels you can not do much about it.
An Islamist party has vowed to turn Belguim into a sharia country , now its only a small country and if this was to go , it would be a giant step , can you imagine Choudray Cooing and fawning about it.
The Video below is borrow from Live leak
An Artical published in 2012 by The Gatestone Institute is an intresting read and is not just hype and hot air , it has facts and figures as well.
The Islamists have vowed to stand in the Countrys election next year and also the European elections which I understand is in 2 years time , this is from what i can see a new stance especially the European elections.
One of pieces i am getting information from is from 2012 so will be a bit out dated by now , but the figures would be more up i would imagine than down as birth rates would be bigger and more of a muslim population would have appeared by now.
Two Muslim politicians, who won municipal elections in Belgium's capital, Brussels, on October 14, vowed to implement Islamic Sharia law in Belgium.
The two candidates, Lhoucine Aït Jeddig and Redouane Ahrouch, both from the fledgling
Islam Party, won seats in two heavily Islamized municipalities of Brussels, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and Anderlecht, respectively.
During a post-election press conference in Brussels on October 25, the two future councilors, who were officially sworn in on December 3, said they regard their election as key to the assertion of the Muslim community in Belgium??
Ahrouch ran for political office before ,In 1999, he founded a political party called "
Noor: Le Parti Islamique," which promotes a
40-point program based on Islamic Sharia law. These points include, among other items: 7) abolishing interest payments [
riba] in the Belgian banking sector; 10) redesigning the Belgian judiciary to comply with Islamic law; 11) restoring capital punishment; 12) prohibiting alcohol and cigarettes; 15) promoting teenage marriage; 16) segregating males and females in public spaces; 20) outlaw gambling and the lottery; and 39) creating an official Islamic alms fund [
Here is the entire 40 point plan , unfortunatly it is in french so you might was to use google traslate to see what it says
Brussells which is the self style capital of Europe also has the biggest population of muslims in europe whioch is not something to brag about., it was 300,000 when the report was published in 2012.
The sociologist Felice Dassetto, predicted that Muslims will comprise the majority of the population of Brussels by 2030. In Belgium as a whole, Muslims now comprise roughly 6% of the total population, one of the highest rates in Europe. This number is expected to rise to more than 10% by 2020.
Most of the Muslims in Brussels are from Morocco (70%) and Turkey (20%), with the other 10% from Albania, Egypt, Pakistan and North Africa. They began arriving in Belgium in the 1960s as guest workers. Although the guest-worker program was cancelled in 1974, many immigrants stayed and, using family-reunification laws, brought over their families.
Today the Muslim community continues to grow through both high birth rates and marriage migration. More than 60% of Moroccan and Turkish youths marry partners from their home countries.
Something the British or more to the fact western people dont seam to be bothered about is marrying into thier own race , we happily mix white / black /asian people and interchange with each other and think nothing of it , whereas the muslims and such are bothered all just want to promote their own peoples and frown upon marrying outside their religon , it does happen but not often.
Since 2008, the most popular name in Brussels for baby boys has been Mohammed. It is also the most popular name for baby boys in Belgium's second-largest city, Antwerp, where an estimated 40% of elementary school children are Muslim.
The report goes on to say that many multinational companies have moved out of Molenbeek with then an estimated population of 25% muslim , because the police have lost control.
Police not control what muslims do is a reoccuring factor wherever you find them , it is like there is a fear there becuase they are so violent.
Here is a link to the whole report and it has many other links within it and is quite indepth reading
The problem is if this is happening or can happen in one of the smallest countries in Europe and can be used as a stepping stone for other muslims to get aquainted with control in europe then something clean needs to be done , right wingers (something i never thought id say) need to be voted for and the ususal lib/lab/con need to be given the biggest and hardest boot up the bum ever in any election going , Ukip which looks like Britains main hope need as much support as possible , but then need to be aided and abetted by others spreading the word and standing strong.
My final link is Barenakedislam which is always a useful resource tool.
Read it and read the facts such as on Islamic holidays schools (non islamic schools) are almost empty , part of what they want is islamic holidays observed so schools and such would be closed anyway.
The final word
If you were not outraged by the brutality of the Lee Rigby murder you were not paying attention.
If what i have not put here does not send a shiver through your spine of fear then you are just waiting for the take over to happen.
If you are not scared for YOUR children and your childrens children then there is something wrong with you.
There really looks like there will be no help for belguim , lets not let it happen here , lets make sure we have a network of people who are willing and ready to take on the Islamists and have the right people in the right place at the right time.
Not tomorrow , or next week , but today.