I am curious as to weather people will be dancing on the streets with joy when he does die , like they did for Maggie Thatcher or weather it will be mass Hysteria and mourning.
I can Garuntee this when he does die , the whole of our tv time will be covered by what he did and how great he was??
I will point out i am not a fan , but i will not be dancing on the or in the streets with joy when he dies , i will proberly look to the dvd player for something else to watch.

Aparthide was wrong and still is wrong , segregation because of skin colour or any differance is wrong and hould nevetr happen , i hope the world has moved on , but i doubt it has as it happens here with different groups for different people , but thats a different story.
Born on July 18th 1918 wikipedia says he was a south african revolutionary.
He was the first black south african to hold office.
Mandela attended Fort Hare University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. Living in Johannesburg, he became involved in anti-colonial politics
Although initially committed to non-violent protest, in association with the South African Communist Party he co-founded the militant Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in 1961, LEADING a bombing campaign against government targets. In 1962 he was arrested, convicted of sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the Rivonia Trial.
When the peaceful struggle became inefficient, for example, he decided to use violent practices.
That alone makes him a Terrorist and ranks him alongside Gerry Adams and any other terrorist who has not worried about himself or the people who follow him killing people.
That alone should make him excempt from the Noble peace prize as once a terrorist always a terrorist.
His wife Winnie went onto white farms and and killed the black workers with the Tyre , the tyre was set light to with them in it and they burned alive.
He did dump winnie quite fast becuase she was an advocate of violence which led back to him and was an embarssment to himself and his political career??
To my knowledge whilst in prison and once out of prison , Madela never spoke out about the people who were killed in the fight and many black people who sided with his ideals also lost thier lives , over time like many other countries have problems or autocratic and hard core leaders , aparthide would of vanished.
Link below is of a video of Nelson Madela with people singing , although the he does not sing or look like he is singing , he does not condemn the wording to kill people.
Look at the comments below , i did not read them all , just a few which was enough for me
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