Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Deafened by the silence of the left (and the governmet)

Listern to the Governemnet and you will hear them talk about Syria and whats going on at the G8 , plus bankers bonuses and tax evasion.
Listern to the Government and you will NOT hear them talk about the Islamic extremist problem or way haters have gone about things in the last few weeks.

The left which means the government supported UAF (unite against facism / hope not hate and so called antifa(anti facists) have been outraged , yes OUTRAGED by the reaction of the murder in cold blood of Lee Rigby.
You would think that is good , but its not because at every chance they have opposed patriotic marches and gatherings in honour of Lee.
Video footage appeared of flowers being ripped up from a war memorial by the left which had been laid down by NOT ONLY EDL people but others as well.
In this footage was a muslim holding the Jihad flag , now people say they the jihadists are in the minority , but they are growing , just look at the trials in the last few months of child groomers and terrorists , you may ask about the child groomers , but child grooming is a Islamic thing they do not take asian girls , they groom white girls and pass the round , yes there are non islamic groomers or peadophiles which is a better word , but the islamics are bursting at the seams to take white girls.
They want their own women pure - thats a factual statement which if you look around you will see them admit to (By way much of this evidence is easy for you to dig up if you read blogs and other pages that the public have access to.

Some pages to read for leads and such are casuals united , new daily patriot , british patriots society , new english review , jihad watch to name a few , all by various different people with different views.

Next up we have Micheal adebolajo one of the killers of Lee Rigby and there is video footage of him preeching hate at aUAF demo , now this was shown on the ten o'clock news and in the background you will see a Unite Union flag and a antifa or UAF banner with the ban the BNP on it ?
Unite have been so quick to put down this claim that i missed the silence , they are not bothered , Now unite which is a huge union use thier website to email people to get them to attend anti bnp and edl demo's or counter demo's , but ive never heard of them using to oppose choudray and his clan or anything like that.

All of the left sites condemned the muswell hill islamic centre being burned down , the UAF even held a vigil outside and the government also put thier pennys worth in too.
The FACT that a building which was derelict had been burnt to the ground and a couple of fire engines had attended poured gallons of water on it and dampened it down and after all of that you saw allegedly 3 letters EDL and it was blamed on the EDL by the whole country who chose to ignore any other facts about this and then a muslim was arrested and admitted it and was an insurance job.
LISTEN TO THE APOLOGISTS who were quick to say sorry ? Sorry once again the silence is at the forefront of nothingness.

Look at this link and i provide  , it has videos and a list of founding members of the Islamic supporting UAF


Sorry but all the evidence says the government supports the Islamic extremist and are just bowing down to what they want , how long will it take to wake up.

SILENCE at every turn , silence when you need something to be said , but all they do is attack the good and everyday people of this country.

Is this where i point out that i am not anti muslim (this is where i get called racist) becuase normal muslims are ok , like normal people are ok , but more need to be seen to condemn the violence and aggressiveness.

But for some reason they are affraid , last Sunday Tommy Robinson was on the sunday politics show and all that happened was he was attacked for his name and his membership of the legal bnp , listern to what his answers were and they all made sense , he has a past , but many people have pasts.
Then on the same programme the deputy leader of the muslim council of Great Britain spoke , was he attacked , was his past brought up , did he get tough questions , talked over , no of course not , but where was the sikh or jewish person speaking , putting thier view across.

You can find the link for that interview and make your own mind up on youtube or the bbc iplayer.

New link here , do you know Nazi's were chased across europe for decades becuase of their war crimes and so they should be , but look at this , why has this man not been deported for trial , the leader of the Muslim council of great Britain is wanted in his own country for alleged war crimes


But again there has been no outcry , itjust SILENCE again and no suprise.

The Last word
Andrew Gilligan is a good source of information used to write for a major newspaper and highlights many issues including Mayor Rahman of Tower Hamlets and to be honest with you if you write a coloum in a news paper and tell lies you get taken to court.
But he writes and people read , but becuase it is factual based and truthful he does not get taken to court , but both the left and the government are silent.

Remember if you are being attacked for what you say , do or think you are doing it right.

If the person next to you is not outraged then they are not listerning to you properly.


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