Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Madela , at the time of posting this blog  he is still alive.

I am curious as to weather people will be dancing on the streets with joy when he does die , like they did for Maggie Thatcher or weather it will be mass Hysteria and mourning.
I can Garuntee this when he does die , the whole of our tv time will be covered by what he did and how great he was??

I will point out i am not a fan , but i will not be dancing on the or in the streets with joy when he dies , i will proberly look to the dvd player for something else to watch.

Nelson Mandela on his 90th birthday in Johannesburg, South Africa, in May 2008

Aparthide was wrong and still is wrong , segregation because of skin colour or any differance is wrong and hould nevetr happen , i hope the world has moved on , but i doubt it has as it happens here with different groups for different people , but thats a different story.

Born on July 18th 1918 wikipedia says he was a south african revolutionary.
He was the first black south african to hold office.
Mandela attended Fort Hare University and the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. Living in Johannesburg, he became involved in anti-colonial politics

Although initially committed to non-violent protest, in association with the South African Communist Party he co-founded the militant Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in 1961, LEADING a bombing campaign against government targets. In 1962 he was arrested, convicted of sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the Rivonia Trial.

When the peaceful struggle became inefficient, for example, he decided to use violent practices.
That alone makes him a Terrorist and ranks him alongside Gerry Adams and any other terrorist who has not worried about himself or the people who follow him killing people.
That alone should make him excempt from the Noble peace prize as once a terrorist always a terrorist.

His wife Winnie went onto white farms and and killed the black workers with the Tyre  , the tyre was set light to with them in it and they burned alive.
He did dump winnie quite fast becuase she was an advocate of violence which led back to him and was an embarssment to himself and his political career??

To my knowledge whilst in prison and once out of prison , Madela never spoke out about the people who were killed in the fight and many black people who sided with his ideals also lost thier lives , over time like many other countries have problems or autocratic and hard core leaders , aparthide would of vanished.

Link below is of a video of Nelson Madela with people singing , although the he does not sing or look like he is singing , he does not condemn the wording to kill people.


Look at the comments below , i did not read them all , just a few which was enough for me

Saturday, 22 June 2013


Looking through the net i decided to have some early evening light reading.

So i went to look at the government website and find out which groups or organisations have been made Illegal in the United Kingdom.

The List was last updated in 2012.

Under the Terrorism Act 2000, the Home Secretary may proscribe an organisation if they believe it is concerned in terrorism. For the purposes of the Act, this means that it:
commits or participates in acts of terrorism;
prepares for terrorism;
promotes or encourages terrorism (including the unlawful glorification of terrorism);
or is otherwise concerned in terrorism.

If the statutory test is met, there are other factors which the Secretary of State will take into account when deciding whether or not to exercise their discretion to proscribe. These criteria are:
the nature and scale of an organisation’s activities;
the specific threat that it poses to the UK;
the specific threat that it poses to British nationals overseas;
the extent of the organisation’s presence in the UK; and
the need to support other members of the international community in the global fight against terrorism.

Proscription makes it a criminal offence to:
belong to or invite support for a proscribed organisation.
arrange a meeting in support of a proscribed organisation.
wear clothing or carry articles in public which arouse reasonable suspicion that an individual is a member or supporter of the proscribed organisation.
The penalties for proscription offences can be a maximum of 10 years in prison and/or a £5,000 fine.

There are amazinglu only 49 groups proscribed in the UK or as stated 49 international terrorist organisations  , of these  of these are proscribed under the 2006 laws and 14 in Northern Ireland under previuos legislation.

The following list has the name of the group and the groups aims.

17 November Revolutionary Organisation (N17) Aims to highlight and protest at what it deems to be imperialist and corrupt actions, using violence. Formed in 1974 to oppose the Greek military Junta, its stance was initially anti-Junta and anti-US, which it blamed for supporting the Junta.
Abu Nidal Organisation (ANO)
ANO’s principal aim is the destruction of the state of Israel. It is also hostile to ‘reactionary’ Arab regimes and states supporting Israel.
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
The precise aims of the ASG are unclear, but its objectives appear to include the establishment of an autonomous Islamic state in the Southern Philippine island of Mindanao.
Al-Gama'at al-Islamiya (GI)
The main aim of GI is to overthrow the Egyptian government and replace it with an Islamic state through all means, including the use of violence. Some members also want the removal of Western influence from the Arab world.
Al Ghurabaa
(This is the one i know the most about , Islam4UK who wanted to carry coffins through wotton bassett , muslims against the crusaders (MAC) who burnt the poppy on Armistice day in London and were allowed to do so.
Al Ghurabaa is a splinter group of Al-Muhajiroun and disseminates materials that glorify acts of terrorism.
Note: The Government laid Orders, in January 2010 and November 2011, which provide that Al Muhajiroun, Islam4UK, Call to Submission, Islamic Path, London School of Sharia and Muslims Against Crusades should be treated as alternative names for the organisation which is already proscribed under the names Al Ghurabaa and The Saved Sect.

Al Ittihad Al Islamia (AIAI)
The main aims of AIAI are to establish a radical Sunni Islamic state in Somalia, and to regain the Ogaden region of Ethiopia as Somali territory via an insurgent campaign. Militant elements within AIAI are suspected of having aligned themselves with the ‘global jihad’ ideology of Al Qa’ida, and to have operated in support of Al Qa’ida in the East Africa region.

Al Qa’ida (AQ)
Inspired and led by Usama Bin Laden,(now swimming with the  fish) its aims are the expulsion of Western forces from Saudi Arabia, the destruction of Israel and the end of Western influence in the Muslim world.
Al Shabaab
Al Shabaab is an organisation based in Somalia which has waged a violent campaign against the Somali Transitional Federal Government and African Union peacekeeping forces since 2007, employing a range of terrorist tactics including suicide bombings, indiscriminate attacks and assassinations. It's principal aim is the establishment of a fundamentalist Islamic state in Somalia, but the organisation has publicly pledged its allegiance to Usama Bin Laden and has announced an intention to combine its campaign in the Horn of Africa with Al Qa'ida's aims of global jihad.

Ansar Al Islam (AI)
AI is a radical Sunni Salafi group from northeast Iraq around Halabja. The group is anti-Western, and opposes the influence of the US in Iraqi Kurdistan and the relationship of the KDP and PUK to Washington. AI has been involved in operations against Multi-National Forces-Iraq (MNF-I).
Ansar Al Sunna (AS)
AS is a fundamentalist Sunni Islamist extremist group based in central Iraq and what was the Kurdish Autonomous Zone (KAZ) of Northern Iraq. The group aims to expel all foreign influences from Iraq and create a fundamentalist Islamic state. Ansarul Muslimina Fi Biladis Sudan (Vanguard for the protection of Muslims in Black
Africa) (Ansaru)
Ansaru is an Islamist terrorist organisation based in Nigeria. They emerged in 2012 and are motivated by an anti-Nigerian Government and anti-Western agenda. They are broadly aligned with Al Qa’ida.
Armed Islamic Group (Groupe Islamique Armée) (GIA) The aim of the GIA is to create an Islamic state in Algeria using all necessary means, including violence.
Asbat Al-Ansar ('League of Partisans' or 'Band of Helpers')
Sometimes going by the aliases of 'The Abu Muhjin' group/faction or the 'Jama'at Nour', this group aims to enforce its extremist interpretation of Islamic law within Lebanon and, increasingly, further afield.
Babbar Khalsa (BK)
BK is a Sikh movement that aims to establish an independent Khalistan within the Punjab region of India.
Basque Homeland and Liberty (Euskadi ta Askatasuna) (ETA) ETA seeks the creation of an independent state comprising the Basque regions of both Spain and France.
Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) BLA are comprised of tribal groups based in the Baluchistan area of Eastern Pakistan, which aims to establish an independent nation encompassing the Baluch dominated areas of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.
Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ)
The main aim of the EIJ is to overthrow the Egyptian government and replace it with an Islamic state. However, since September 1998, the leadership of the group has also allied itself to the 'global Jihad' ideology expounded by Usama Bin Laden and has threatened Western interests.
Groupe Islamique Combattant Marocain (GICM) The traditional primary objective of the GICM has been the installation of a governing system of the caliphate to replace the governing Moroccan monarchy. The group also has an Al Qa’ida-inspired global extremist agenda.

Hamas Izz al-Din al-Qassem Brigades
Hamas aims to end Israeli occupation in Palestine and establish an Islamic state.
Harakat-Ul-Jihad-Ul-Islami (HUJI)
The aim of HUJI is to achieve though violent means accession of Kashmir to Pakistan, and to spread terror throughout India. HUJI has targeted Indian security positions in Kashmir and conducted operations in India proper.
Harakat-Ul-Jihad-Ul-Islami (Bangladesh) (HUJI-B) The main aim of HUJI-B is the creation of an Islamic regime in Bangladesh modelled on the former Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

Harakat-Ul-Mujahideen/Alami (HuM/A) and Jundallah.
The aim of both HuM/A and Jundallah is the rejection of democracy of even the most Islamic-oriented style, and to establish a caliphate based on Sharia law, in addition to achieving accession of all Kashmir to Pakistan. HuM/A has a broad anti-Western and anti-President Musharraf agenda.
Harakat Mujahideen (HM)
HM, previously known as Harakat Ul Ansar (HuA), seeks independence for Indian-administered Kashmir. The HM leadership was also a signatory to Usama Bin Laden's 1998 fatwa, which called for worldwide attacks against US and Western interests.
Hizballah Military Wing Hizballah is committed to armed resistance to the state of Israel, and aims to seize all Palestinian territories and Jerusalem from Israel. Its military wing supports terrorism in Iraq and the Palestinian territories.

Hezb-E Islami Gulbuddin (HIG)
Led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who is in particular very anti-American, HIG is anti-Western and desires the creation of a fundamentalist Islamic State in Afghanistan.

Indian Mujahideen (IM)
IM aims to establish an Islamic state and implement Sharia law in India using violent means.
International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
ISYF is an organisation committed to the creation of an independent state of Khalistan for Sikhs within India.
Islamic Army of Aden (IAA)
The IAA's aims are the overthrow of the current Yemeni government and the establishment of an Islamic State following Sharia Law.

Islamic Jihad Union (IJU)
The primary strategic goal of the IJU is the elimination of the current Uzbek regime. The IJU would expect that following the removal of President Karimov, elections would occur in which Islamic-democratic political candidates would pursue goals shared by the IJU leadership.

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
The primary aim of IMU is to establish an Islamic state in the model of the Taleban in Uzbekistan. However, the IMU is reported to also seek to establish a broader state over the entire Turkestan area.
Jaish e Mohammed (JeM) JeM seeks the 'liberation' of Kashmir from Indian control as well as the 'destruction' of America and India. JeM has a stated objective of unifying the various Kashmiri militant groups.

Jammat-ul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB)
JMB first came to prominence on 20 May 2002 when eight of its members were arrested in possession of petrol bombs. The group has claimed responsibility for numerous fatal bomb attacks across Bangladesh in recent years, including suicide bomb attacks in 2005.
Jeemah Islamiyah (JI)
JI's aim is the creation of a unified Islamic state in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Southern Philippines.

Khuddam Ul-Islam (Kul) and splinter group Jamaat Ul-Furquan (JuF) The aim of both KUI and JuF are to unite Indian administered Kashmir with Pakistan; to establish a radical Islamist state in Pakistan; the ‘destruction’ of India and the USA; to recruit new jihadis; and the release of imprisoned Kashmiri militants.

Kongra Gele Kurdistan (PKK)
PKK/KADEK/KG is primarily a separatist movement that seeks an independent Kurdish state in southeast Turkey. The PKK changed its name to KADEK and then to Kongra Gele Kurdistan, although the PKK acronym is still used by parts of the movement.

Lashkar e Tayyaba (LT)
LT seeks independence for Kashmir and the creation of an Islamic state using violent means.
Note: The Government laid an Order in March 2009 which provides that Jama’at’ ud Da’wa (JuD) should be treated as another name for the organisation which is already proscribed as Lashkar e Tayyaba.
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
The LTTE is a terrorist group fighting for a separate Tamil state in the North and East of Sri Lanka.
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
The LIFG seeks to replace the current Libyan regime with a hard-line Islamic state. The group is also part of the wider global Islamist extremist movement, as inspired by Al Qa’ida. The group has mounted several operations inside Libya, including a 1996 attempt to assassinate Mu’ammar Qadhafi.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad - Shaqaqi (PIJ)
PIJ aims to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine and to create an Islamic state. It opposes the existence of the state of Israel, the Middle East Peace Process and the Palestinian Authority, and has carried out suicide bombings against Israeli targets.
Revolutionary Peoples' Liberation Party - Front (Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Partisi - Cephesi) (DHKP-C)
DHKP-C aims to establish a Marxist-Leninist regime in Turkey by means of armed revolutionary struggle.
Salafist Group for Call and Combat (Groupe Salafiste pour la Predication et le Combat) (GSPC) Its aim is to create an Islamic state in Algeria using all necessary means, including violence.

Saved Sect or Saviour Sect
The Saved Sect is a splinter group of Al-Muhajiroun and disseminates materials that glorify acts of terrorism.
Note: The Government laid Orders, in January 2010 and November 2011, which provide that Al Muhajiroun, Islam4UK, Call to Submission, Islamic Path, London School of Sharia and Muslims Against Crusades should be treated as alternative names for the organisation which is already proscribed under the names Al Ghurabaa and The Saved Sect.
Please not Anjem Choudray has led some of these if not all of these and yet he is still free to walk the streets of Britain , hold interviews and do much more to inspire hate.

Sipah-E Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) (Aka Millat-E Islami Pakistan (MIP) - SSP was renamed MIP in April 2003 but is still referred to as SSP) and splinter group Lashkar-E Jhangvi (LeJ)
The aim of both SSP and LeJ is to transform Pakistan by violent means into a Sunni state under the total control of Sharia law. Another objective is to have all Shia declared Kafirs and to participate in the destruction of other religions, notably Judaism, Christianity and Hinduism.
Note: Kafirs means non-believers: literally, one who refused to see the truth. LeJ does not consider members of the Shia sect to be Muslim, hence they can be considered a ‘legitimate’ target.

Tehrik Nefaz-e Shari'at Muhammadi (TNSM) TNSM regularly attacks coalition and Afghan government forces in Afghanistan and provides direct support to Al Qa’ida and the Taliban. One faction of the group claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on an army training compound on 8 November 2007 in Dargai, Pakistan, in which 42 soldiers were killed.
Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan has carried out a high number of mass casualty attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan since 2007. The group have announced various objectives and demands, such as the enforcement of sharia, resistance against the Pakistani army and the removal of NATO forces from Afghanistan. The organisation has also been involved in attacks in the West, such as the attempted Times Square car-bomb attack in May 2010.

Teyre Azadiye Kurdistan (TAK)
TAK is a Kurdish terrorist group currently operating in Turkey.
(Note: Mujaheddin e Khalq (MeK) was removed from the list of proscribed organisations in June 2008, as a result of judgements of the Proscribed Organisations Appeals Commission and the Court of Appeal).

Continuity Army Council
Cumann na mBan
Fianna na hEireann
Irish National Liberation Army
Irish People's Liberation Organisation
Irish Republican Army
Loyalist Volunteer Force
Orange Volunteers
Red Hand Commando
Red Hand Defenders
Saor Eire
Ulster Defence Association
Ulster Freedom Fighters
Ulster Volunteer Force

Now you have read the list , re - read it again and see how many of the groups are linked with Islamics or want sharia law or Islamic states in countries or are connected to muslims in someway??

14 of the Groups are from Northern Ireland

34 of these groups are link to sharia , islamification and so on.

Now tell all the groups standing up and fighting against islamifaction they are wrong , even our government know its the truth.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Belguim , Sharia law and the islamification of a European country

Welcome back ,
Another day annd another blog.
You know when I started blogging , I never actually thought it was something I would do on a daily regular or daily basis , but there comes a time when you just have to put your thoughts down and let people read whats going on.

Belguim - According to Wikipedia in 2009 the population was under 11 million it sonly a small country so it will be in excess of that now.

You read things online , on different social media and you always have to take bits and pieces with a pinch of salt and work out what is right or wrong.

Unfortunutly this looks like its factual.

You have groups of people running around in different places claiming sharia zones , heckling soldiers , killing people , handing out leaflets , screaming and shouting , all this leads to people getting vexed and different groups having it out verbally or physically with each other.
Nothing else happens people write about , blog about it , set up counter demo's , vigils and groups to stop different things.
Then you have a completly different step which is the ballot box , if you win something in a official vote or election then you have problems becuase its legal and unless you go through different channels you can not do much about it.

An Islamist party has vowed to turn Belguim into a sharia country , now its only a small country and if this was to go , it would be a giant step , can you imagine Choudray Cooing and fawning about it.

The Video below is borrow from Live leak

An Artical published in 2012 by The Gatestone Institute is an intresting read and is not just hype and hot air , it has facts and figures as well.
The Islamists have vowed to stand in the Countrys election  next year and also the European elections which I understand is in 2 years time , this is from what i can see a new stance especially the European elections.

One of pieces i am getting information from is from 2012 so will be a bit out dated by now , but the figures would be more up i would imagine  than down as birth rates would be bigger and more of a muslim population would have appeared by now.

Two Muslim politicians, who won municipal elections in Belgium's capital, Brussels, on October 14, vowed to implement Islamic Sharia law in Belgium.
The two candidates, Lhoucine Aït Jeddig and Redouane Ahrouch, both from the fledgling Islam Party, won seats in two heavily Islamized municipalities of Brussels, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and Anderlecht, respectively.
During a post-election press conference in Brussels on October 25, the two future councilors, who were officially sworn in on December 3, said they regard their election as key to the assertion of the Muslim community in Belgium??

Ahrouch ran for political office before ,In 1999, he founded a political party called "Noor: Le Parti Islamique," which promotes a 40-point program based on Islamic Sharia law. These points include, among other items: 7) abolishing interest payments [riba] in the Belgian banking sector; 10) redesigning the Belgian judiciary to comply with Islamic law; 11) restoring capital punishment; 12) prohibiting alcohol and cigarettes; 15) promoting teenage marriage; 16) segregating males and females in public spaces; 20) outlaw gambling and the lottery; and 39) creating an official Islamic alms fund [Zakat].

Here is the entire 40 point plan , unfortunatly it is in french so you might was to use google traslate to see what it says

Brussells which is the self style capital of Europe also has the biggest population of muslims in europe whioch is not something to brag about., it was 300,000 when the report was published in 2012.

The sociologist Felice Dassetto, predicted that Muslims will comprise the majority of the population of Brussels by 2030. In Belgium as a whole, Muslims now comprise roughly 6% of the total population, one of the highest rates in Europe. This number is expected to rise to more than 10% by 2020.
Most of the Muslims in Brussels are from Morocco (70%) and Turkey (20%), with the other 10% from Albania, Egypt, Pakistan and North Africa. They began arriving in Belgium in the 1960s as guest workers. Although the guest-worker program was cancelled in 1974, many immigrants stayed and, using family-reunification laws, brought over their families.
Today the Muslim community continues to grow through both high birth rates and marriage migration. More than 60% of Moroccan and Turkish youths marry partners from their home countries.

Something the British or more to the fact western people dont seam to be bothered about is marrying into thier own race , we happily mix white / black /asian people and interchange with each other and think nothing of it , whereas the muslims and such are bothered all just want to promote their own peoples and frown upon marrying outside their religon , it does happen but not often.

Since 2008, the most popular name in Brussels for baby boys has been Mohammed. It is also the most popular name for baby boys in Belgium's second-largest city, Antwerp, where an estimated 40% of elementary school children are Muslim.

The report goes on to say that many multinational companies have moved out of Molenbeek with then an estimated population of 25% muslim , because the police have lost control.

Police not control what muslims do is a reoccuring factor wherever you find them , it is like there is a fear there becuase they are so violent.

Here is a link to the whole report and it has many other links within it and is quite indepth reading

The problem is if this is happening or can happen in one of the smallest countries in Europe and can be used as a stepping stone for other muslims to get aquainted with control in europe then something clean needs to be done , right wingers (something i never thought id say) need to be voted for and the ususal lib/lab/con need to be given the biggest and hardest boot up the bum ever in any election going , Ukip which looks like Britains main hope need as much support as possible , but then need to be aided and abetted by others spreading the word and standing strong.

My final link is Barenakedislam which is always a useful resource tool.
Read it and read the facts such as on Islamic holidays schools (non islamic schools) are almost empty , part of what they want is islamic holidays observed so schools and such would be closed anyway.

The final word
If you were not outraged by the brutality of the Lee Rigby murder you were not paying attention.
If what i have not put here does not send a shiver through your spine of fear then you are just waiting for the take over to happen.
If you are not scared for YOUR children and your childrens children then there is something wrong with you.
There really looks like there will be no help for belguim , lets not let it happen here , lets make sure we have a network of people who are willing and ready to take on the Islamists and have the right people in the right place at the right time.
Not tomorrow , or next week , but today.


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Deafened by the silence of the left (and the governmet)

Listern to the Governemnet and you will hear them talk about Syria and whats going on at the G8 , plus bankers bonuses and tax evasion.
Listern to the Government and you will NOT hear them talk about the Islamic extremist problem or way haters have gone about things in the last few weeks.

The left which means the government supported UAF (unite against facism / hope not hate and so called antifa(anti facists) have been outraged , yes OUTRAGED by the reaction of the murder in cold blood of Lee Rigby.
You would think that is good , but its not because at every chance they have opposed patriotic marches and gatherings in honour of Lee.
Video footage appeared of flowers being ripped up from a war memorial by the left which had been laid down by NOT ONLY EDL people but others as well.
In this footage was a muslim holding the Jihad flag , now people say they the jihadists are in the minority , but they are growing , just look at the trials in the last few months of child groomers and terrorists , you may ask about the child groomers , but child grooming is a Islamic thing they do not take asian girls , they groom white girls and pass the round , yes there are non islamic groomers or peadophiles which is a better word , but the islamics are bursting at the seams to take white girls.
They want their own women pure - thats a factual statement which if you look around you will see them admit to (By way much of this evidence is easy for you to dig up if you read blogs and other pages that the public have access to.

Some pages to read for leads and such are casuals united , new daily patriot , british patriots society , new english review , jihad watch to name a few , all by various different people with different views.

Next up we have Micheal adebolajo one of the killers of Lee Rigby and there is video footage of him preeching hate at aUAF demo , now this was shown on the ten o'clock news and in the background you will see a Unite Union flag and a antifa or UAF banner with the ban the BNP on it ?
Unite have been so quick to put down this claim that i missed the silence , they are not bothered , Now unite which is a huge union use thier website to email people to get them to attend anti bnp and edl demo's or counter demo's , but ive never heard of them using to oppose choudray and his clan or anything like that.

All of the left sites condemned the muswell hill islamic centre being burned down , the UAF even held a vigil outside and the government also put thier pennys worth in too.
The FACT that a building which was derelict had been burnt to the ground and a couple of fire engines had attended poured gallons of water on it and dampened it down and after all of that you saw allegedly 3 letters EDL and it was blamed on the EDL by the whole country who chose to ignore any other facts about this and then a muslim was arrested and admitted it and was an insurance job.
LISTEN TO THE APOLOGISTS who were quick to say sorry ? Sorry once again the silence is at the forefront of nothingness.

Look at this link and i provide  , it has videos and a list of founding members of the Islamic supporting UAF


Sorry but all the evidence says the government supports the Islamic extremist and are just bowing down to what they want , how long will it take to wake up.

SILENCE at every turn , silence when you need something to be said , but all they do is attack the good and everyday people of this country.

Is this where i point out that i am not anti muslim (this is where i get called racist) becuase normal muslims are ok , like normal people are ok , but more need to be seen to condemn the violence and aggressiveness.

But for some reason they are affraid , last Sunday Tommy Robinson was on the sunday politics show and all that happened was he was attacked for his name and his membership of the legal bnp , listern to what his answers were and they all made sense , he has a past , but many people have pasts.
Then on the same programme the deputy leader of the muslim council of Great Britain spoke , was he attacked , was his past brought up , did he get tough questions , talked over , no of course not , but where was the sikh or jewish person speaking , putting thier view across.

You can find the link for that interview and make your own mind up on youtube or the bbc iplayer.

New link here , do you know Nazi's were chased across europe for decades becuase of their war crimes and so they should be , but look at this , why has this man not been deported for trial , the leader of the Muslim council of great Britain is wanted in his own country for alleged war crimes


But again there has been no outcry , itjust SILENCE again and no suprise.

The Last word
Andrew Gilligan is a good source of information used to write for a major newspaper and highlights many issues including Mayor Rahman of Tower Hamlets and to be honest with you if you write a coloum in a news paper and tell lies you get taken to court.
But he writes and people read , but becuase it is factual based and truthful he does not get taken to court , but both the left and the government are silent.

Remember if you are being attacked for what you say , do or think you are doing it right.

If the person next to you is not outraged then they are not listerning to you properly.


Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Lee Rigby and the EPIC FAIL

I have not blogged for an age it seams but with the events of the past week , I thought i'd bring my blog out of the shadows and give it some day light.
First of id like to pay my respects to Lee Rgby's family and offer my condolences , it will not make a blind bit of difference to how they are feeling , but it is there and it comes from the heart.
I'd also like to pay my respects to Lee a hero who never stood a chance and someone's whose life i hope will not be lost in political chatter and spin.

2:20 was the time last wednesday 22nd may when Lee was attacked and murdered  , the two cold blooded killers Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22 hacked him to death after disabling him by running him down , too cowardly they were to attack a man who may be able to fight back.

The two cold blooded and heartless islamic killers failed massively in what they set out to achieve , yes they did kill a defenceless soldier who was unable to fight back and what they set out to do , to be honest with you no sentence when they go to trial will be enough.

As followers of Islam once they had carried out their attack they stood around and asked people to take pictures and video of what they had done and people being people did this.
When the police arrived , I think they expected to be shot and killed , this would have made them maytars and sent them to heaven so they could have their 75 virgims (EPIC FAIL 1 and 2) becasue this did not happen and it is not normal for the police to shoot to kill , they are still alive and have not gone to their heaven or found their 75 virgins.
Plus they were shot by a woman police officer which again is an insult to what they believe (EPIC FAIL 3)

Watching the events unfold on TV and over the net on social networking sites it became clear after a few hours if not sooner that this would have wide ranging effects on many many people , a call for unity went up and many people responded to this in the positive.
Saturday there was to be a English defence league march through Newcastle and this would be the first and biggest sign of this unity , The EDL appeared on wednesday evening in woolwich and within minutes the police arrived to contain them , 3 times quicker than they had arrived at where Lee rigby was hacked to death.
On the day 2 people came out of this and thier names became known to many , thier pictures and stories spread across the social media and other places.
ACornish Scout leader Ingrid Loyau-Kennett confronted one of the killers and apprehended them after getting off a bus to help (another woman)
Then Gemini Donnelly-Martin 20 years of age asked the killers if she could be with Drummer Lee Rigby so he did not die alone , Such a noble act and one any person would be proud of. (another woman)

Video has emerged of suspect Michael Adebolajo at an Islamist protest in 2007 (Left, in white clothes)

Since the attack Newcastle has taken place and 7000 patriots took to the streets to show thier support for Lee and his family.
Sunday a march by in woolwich happened and another 3000 patriots took part , plus bikers had a ride by to show thier respects as well.
Then Monday 1000's more took to the streets in London in and around white hall in another march past Downing street (Cameron had by this point scooted off on holiday , becuase the country is safe and secure, not)
This is just a tiny portion of what has happened with people taking to the streets and showing their anger at what has happened and thier support for Lee and his family.
Tomorrow is a week since it happened and I will be attending my local war memorial to pay my respects and hold my own 2 minutes silence in rememberance , still to come after that we will have his funeral and I would imagine the world media will once again be on him and his family as he is laid to rest.

If these two killers thought they would achieve anything by this murder then in fact they have done so , they have brought many people together ,sikhs have laid flowers , normal muslims have laid flowers , people have stood together who might never have done so again becuase of this.
Black and white have united in condemnation of what has happened.
The so called far right has been galvansied and united in strenght , something that may have been weakening has gain strenght and momentum , just look around on the patriot pages and watch the upsurge in people watching and commenting.

Flowers have been laid at the sight of the death in their hundreds with words of wisdom and sorrow , flowers have been laid in and around Lee's home and many more have been laid in other places also to show how people feel.

The momentum is with us , its time to get things done and done right.

The you look at the other side and see the UAF and the antifa and others they have opposed the marches is support of Lee and his family and called the people in them racists and attacked them at different times , this shows a complere lack of knowledge and understanding , this shows that they are supporting the killers and that they have no respect for our armed forces.

Its horrendous when you think about it that people would support killers of such a barbaric nature.

Since the attack much has happened
Mosques have been atatcked which is not suprising as feelings are running high
Muslim leaders and Imans have come out and said this is not Islam , this is becuase they are actually scared of what might happen.
Anjem Choudray has failed to condemn the murder of the soldier , but their is nothing new there as he was and in his own words a disciple of his (see above picture)
The university of Greenwich is to probe extremism in its university , but what it has not said is weather its looking in Islamic or so called right wingness?
A prison office was attacked after an iman had asked to pray with 3 other inmates but they then beat and tortured him (religon of peace again)
Then we had two London Monuments attacked over the last few days one of them included the newly opened bomber command which has big bold red letters written on it saying Islam.

We the patriots are united lets stay that way , lets work together.
Thankyou for reading
comments always welcome
