Monday, 31 January 2011

Egypt and beyond

Many people will have been watching Egypt and taking note on what has been happening there with Troops on the streets and curfews taking place , but the question is can it and will it ever happen here ?

The sad thing is that I really do not think that the majority of people in this country would have the guts to take to the streets or would not want to because as it stands too many people benefit from the country as it stands and would not want any sort of revolution or revolt.

Society now is at a stage where here in the UK most people would not gain from a revolution because they are too comfortable with how it is and what they are getting out of it.

The Benefit scroungers
These people would sit on their arse's and watch with interest what was happening , but not take to the streets because as it is they get their benefits and live off of the fat of the working people and are happy with it as it is -Backing the Government 100%

The Left wingers and the do Gooders
Again their world is nice and comfy they have people in the position they want them and the government backs them with their people within the UAF and the Red flag wavers can come out every so often and have a riot and then go away again with the satisfaction , that they have caused the police trouble enough until they come back again.
People look at them and they look at people and as long as they are backing the person who really should not be allowed in or to stay in this country , then they are and with the weak government as it is , that's how they want things to stay - Backing the Government 100%

The Asylum Seekers and Illegals
IF you were an asylum seeker in this country legal or illegal you would want things how they were because , if you break the law and the government try and send you home you just quote human rights and get to stay (There are law abiding asylum seekers of course), nobody can touch you and you sit there comfy and happy.
The Illegals are also happy because think about it , the police raid where you are working and find you to be an illegal immigrant , they arrest you and take you to the local police station where they process you but can not find your passport (yippee) , so they give you licence to go away and report back every week until they can prove who you are (the jails are too full) , so you say they and are never seen again - Backing the Government 100%

The Extremists
Too easy really they protest , they preach , they cry , they wail , they demand , they claim benefits , they are a protected species , they hate everything about this country , they want sharia law , they want everything now and then and free.
Nobody can touch them they have the support of the left wingers and the government are too scared to do anything about them.
They would actually and more than likely take to the streets , but not in backing the government in doing so but to see how far they could get with creating their own little independent space , they would enforce no go area's and drive or remove those who spoke out or opposed them , their community spokesmen (they would have to be men due to how they live) would speak up in favour of backing the government , but in reality it would be in support of them and them alone
Backing the Government 70% / Backing their own kind 100%

The Non British
When you go out and talk to people when you are canvassing many people who are not British will tell you this country has changed since the 60's , 70's or 80's when they came here and something needs to be done as people are taking advantage of it and it disgusting , they want a strong government because they can see their children growing up in a place that is really not nice.
These people could be on the side of the revolutionaries but may need a nudge in the right direction to show they that it was worth their time helping out and joining us
Backing the government 60%

The Europeans
Another definite backing of 100% for the government as they get to many benefits to let the government change hands where else can you come and go as you please , claim benefits for your children and wife who are not even in the country and claim back tax and reap many rewards if you do things the right way and watch the poor old British slug their guts out and pay every tax that there is - LONG LIVE THE E.U.

The Americans
Apparently we have a special relationship with the American government , but from what i can see its only special when they think it needs to be or the wording suits them , they refused point blankly to back us in a war of words against Argentina over the Falkland which they did in 1982 as well , but when it comes to making sure they get what they want its special.
They would of course back the government but have to get something out of it to make it worth their while and maybe even request troops on our streets to join those from NATO.
Officially Backing the government 100% - once they had agreed to their terms and conditions of course -

The European Union (a.k.a Brussels)
The E.U. would not want anything to change as we are subservient and we do as we are told occasionally we show we have some muscle and put up a token gesture of resistance against them , but i am pretty sure its only done to make the government look good.
We pay too much money for anything to change and everyone who the French , Germans and others don't want pass through their country's to here without a blink of an eye and it suits everybody down to the ground
Backing the Government 100%

The Patriots
From what I can see these are the only people who would take to the streets in an effort to make things change for the right reasons.
Anybody else who took to the streets apart from who I have said above would do it purely for personal gain.
The Patriots and there are many and varied would take to the streets to get change and possibly force an election where if it was done right , a nationalist government could be imposed of various parties on the wave of euphoria and pride.
There are as we know many different patriotic groups and and parties and many people who do not belong to any of them would take to the streets , simply because they have had enough of what is going on.
There are a known 70 plus thousand EDL members on face book alone , that is face book and many more who are not there , with the people who back parties like UKIP , Bnp , English Shield wall , ENA , The English Democrats , Freelance patriots who just believe in the cause of England or Britain and many other groups there would be hundreds of thousands on the streets and it would have to be continuous and last until the government stepped down and decided to put pride back into our country.

WINNERS / LOSERS and When it would happen
When would it happen , to be honest the sooner the better because something needs to happen so the people of this country and gain their pride and respect back - How long it will take I am not sure simply because the English and British are very laid back , a kick up the backside may be required.

Everyone that likes the country as it is where we are a dustbin allow people to walk all over us and take everything they can for nothing.
That includes many people here who are born and bred who just sit on their arse's and claim benefits because they can and have no need to work.
That includes many people who feel at home here and come from abroad and work the system to breaking point.
That includes many people who are in this country to take what they can get for whoever they can get it for and make as much money as possible by doing it.
You and I know who they are and we read about them and see them day in and day out , They are riding on the last bus to the docks now , it may be a fairly long ride but eventually their time will come.

The Winners
Weather you are Scottish , English , Welsh , Irish or British - The winner is you because we get our country back and everyone who has ever come to this country that has worked everyday of their lives paid their taxes and not scrounged (and there are many) would reap the rewards.
A pride and a passion would resonate through the country.
A new government strong and touch would be put into place.
The European Union would be removed and we would be free to make our own laws once again.
There is so much that we could gain from something like this and also so much we could lose at the same time.
Something like this does not happen without its risks and many people may get hurt not just physically but also mentally , many things may happen that people do not want to happen and the media today would obviously focus on these things.
The Media would be at the forefront of what happened news papers in the early days and then Television , we would need to try and make sure that they highlighted the good behind what was going on and the reasoning behind it , but it would be hard.

That is the question , or is it
Is is actually worth it ?

Only you can answer that question.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Dumbing down

I'm sure at the back of my mind the Government are trying to make us all into sheep and the more they control us the easier it will be.

Lets look at the whats happening and think about it.
England , We are the only home country without control of our own affairs as Scotland has its own Parliament , Ireland has Stormont and the Welsh have their own Assembly with only their MP's deciding on their issues where with English Issues they all have a say

National anthem - The above four once again have their own and well we have God Save the Queen which is the British anthem , so maybe we should have our own as well , I am aware some people don't agree on this issue , but personally i think we should have Jerusalem.

Petrol - The prices are going up , I read a article the other day where it is said petrol will reach £1.60 a litre by the summer and the the government are thinking about petrol rationing , if this happens travel will be restricted as you will not have the petrol to get anywhere and this is a form of control as they would limit the places you can go and that would effect activists , no petrol , no travel , no demo's - No problem to the government -We'd be good little people.

Interest rates - There is a suggestion that these will rocket soon from 0.5% to 6% over a period of weeks - savers (if you are lucky enough to have cash to stash will be happier) but those with a mortgage will be screwed and find mortgages rising rapidly (more bonuses for the fat cat bankers)
With the two above people will find it hard to do anything apart from live their daily lives and have food on the table to eat.

Citizens advice Bureau's - I have seen tonight that these are going to be closed down in many areas as part of the cuts , they are free places to attend for people who have problems and as it says it offers advice , but if they are closed , you would need a solicitor which can be quite expensive - more money-

Police stations that are part time , Hospital's Accident and emergency's being closed down - It restricts you to where you can go.

Speed cameras and CCTV - These are all part of big brother and so "they" know where YOU are at most times - I've said it before a while back about tracking and keeping an eye on YOU AND YOUR MOVEMENTS

Control again - Next year at the Olympics in London there will be route's just for the athletes and no one else can use ?? Everything will become more expensive and if you look at the taxes , Londoners are actually paying an Olympic tax to pay for the building work.

It was said just after we lost out on the world cup vote that Sepp Blatter was uninvited by Boris Johnson to stay at the Ritz i think it was during the Olympics at OUR expense , but why should we have even had to pay for this - he would have brought many people with him , like the others who are classed as officials and dignitaries , they will all bring to many people and clog up our hotels where paying tourists would stay.

The Census which happens this year - We'll you can't be English on this and you will have no choice but to fill it in or its a criminal offence (I've got round this i think I've applied to work with them and can infiltrate the inner sanctum in my area so i can "ASSIST" people with filling them out(wink wink))

Parking control - I know in London it is almost at a point where you can not park anywhere without a permit or paying for it and the prices are going up and not only do you fight against lurking traffic wardens but also cameras and their operatives

Libraries - cut backs mean that some of these are being closed down so people can not get access to free books and many people go to them and there is a wide variety of books to choose from , but if they close , people will not have access to knowledge - Is that the plan ? -

Immigration , Its a bit different from the rest but we can not control immigration from within the E.U. so everybody who can come here does come here and outside of the E.U. , it looks like the government just ask people to come so our way of life is not what it was - The councils and other bodies spend money on translation services of all types (if someone is arrested they have to understand what is said , booklets and documents for all types of services are translated)
S o the money which is spent on this is not available for other things and we lose more.

Every step of the way the people above us want to control us and if we are thick and can not do anything then they control us - Education apparently children who learn language's are dropping in normal schools , Is this because they know there are not the jobs out there and the lower paid jobs are the aim so they can at least get money ?

There are many other ways of control and dumbing us down - Strikes so we can not travel or have to go the route that they want.

Traffic control , I.e road works mean you have to take diversions again this is them controlling us and MAKING us go in a certain direction - people never question things that become normal , unless they are brave or outspoken.

The media is the worse , they control what they want you to know and what they want you to see although its harder nowadays because of the Internet , but if you post on Face book or YouTube you have a chance of items being removed - More big brother.

Speed control zones - These are mainly on motor ways and make sure you travel at the correct speed over quite long distances and if you blip you get a ticket and its all done by registration recognition , so no escape

Well there is a lot there - I think the way out of this is to question everything and challenge as much as you can - email , letters , write into newspapers , radio stations , Internet blogs , chat rooms - there are many ways you can talk and spread the word butt he best is complaining to the councils and MP's as often as you can.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Is this England or is it ....

Is this England or are we in another place nowadays and nobody has told me that we all sold up and moved away ??

Yesterday , I went to Hillingdon to help with the local English Democrats elect a mayor campaign.
It was to say the least an interesting day , we did meet a few interesting people who gave us their thoughts and didn't hold back when they spoke and we also met a true character of the area , a nice man who is a friend of Cliff Dixon whom we were helping.

So the question is this England or are we .... Well to be honest I'm really not sure , i spoke or at least tried to speak with about 100 people over the course of the day , some just couldn't understand me because they just didn't speak English , One lady whom i approached actually asked her son to translate for her and the husband read ( i think he did anyway) the petition word for word and still never signed it and while he was doing that his daughter decided to run round me and use me as a buffer cushion.

The local Natwest had its own sign up and underneath it was 4 languages 3 of which were Arabic i believe and then in the corner English.
The local butcher was a Halal butcher only , no problem with Halal , but a choice of non Muslims is always nice and the butcher or the man working in the shop didn't have a proper hat on just some woolly hat on when serving the meat ?? (something wrong there).

The people in Robes , turbans and burkhas out numbered the others by many and some appeared just to scared to talk to us , for whatever reason.

Were were stared at by people who i think were simply amazed to see the England flags on our table and the English Democrat banners at the sides and it just didn't seam right that we had them up , maybe the MAC flag would have gone down a bit better ??

We were told a story by someone who is reliable that a new tower block had been built and the local council had moved mainly people in from Somalia and when meter readers had gone into the flats , they had built little fires in the middle of the main room to cook on ? they had proper ovens but choose to decimate the place and make holes to build fires , have these people no sense at all.

I always try to work for integration between people but looking at the people in this place its hard to imagine any of them wanting to integrate with the home grown people of the area.
None of them whom didn't speak English would be int rested in learning it , because the need is not there and neither is the requirement because they can live in their own little worlds and be surrounded by other people like them and know that we will make every effort to communicate with them if we need to by either having a translator around or by publishing forms and such in multiple languages so that they do have to try and learn.

I could never see them celebrating St.Georges day there and enjoying the English culture with us as they would not understand and nor would they want to.

Its not about being racist , its about being respectful of the country that you are in and learning and understanding about the people and its customs and it works both ways , we have opened our doors and allowed you to have free access to our wonderful land , now give us something back and learn from us and do not use us.

You here about communities and police and other groups working with local communities Muslim community's , black community's ,polish community's etc etc but stop , hold that thought for a minute and think about it - Instead of being separate community's why not just be one big community and work together for understanding that way we would all learn about each other , the police or whomever would not need separate liaison officers for different people ,but just one person who would be the community officer and work with everybody , it has worked before and can still work , but we all have to work.

Respect works all ways not just one way.
Understanding worked s all ways not just one way.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Whats it to be.

Yes , That is the question , Whats it to be ?

There is currently a debate going on in the house of Lords I think it is about the right to vote , Not just any old right to vote but the right of weather or not prisoners should have the right to vote.

Obviuosly there are two think tanks and one says yes whilst the other says no.

Already when somebody goes to prison , the people there almost get treated like hotel guests , lets look at what happens , welll they get accomadation and do not have to pay council tax , they get meals given to them , im not sure of the quality but they are free and anyway these people have commited crimes so the meals should not be gourmet and should be basic.
Then you hear about the ones who play games on things like playstations and other such things that have all appeared in the papers , they have gyms so that they can work out to pass the time which most people would have to pay for - so they are already saving a whole heap of money.
And i have been led to believe that at times they also have to work as well.

So the question is why shouldn't they be allowed to vote ?
The reason is cus they have commited a crime and been found guilty by a jury of their peers , when they did this , they waved goodbye to any rights they had by commiting this crime or crimes.
95% of the time a person who commits a crime goes out with the intention to commit a crime and thus if they are caught , they are only getting what is due to them.
People who commit crimes and are found guilty are put in prison becuase they have been naughty , its a bit like primary school and being told to stand in the corner away from everybody else becuase they have been naughty , this is what prisons are used for and criminals are sent there becuase of the crimes which they have commited and it is societys way of showing them that they are wrong.
In olden days prisoners had to break rocks and in America they had work gangs where they where all chained together and had to wear jumpsuits all of the same colour , In those days people knew that they had broken the law and knew what was coming.

Once people step inside those prison gates people should be treated like criminals and they should know about it , some people may say that this is a bit harsh , but these people have gone out to commit a crime , there maybe some exceptions but these exceptions would have to be done on a case by case basis.
The right to vote is a privaledge and you should lose that right becuase you have done something wrong , people might ask what about if you have been done for shoplifting , well if youhave shoplifted , it is still a crime and if you are locked up for shoplifting , then it would not be your first time which you have been caught and by commiting these crimes you have tried to rob someone of something that they posisbly have worked hard for.

By being put in Prison as a convicted criminal you should not only lose the right to vote , but the right to a comfortable life , prisons should be uncomfortable so that the people inside know why they are there , they should be made to work for any priviledges that they recieve and they should be limited.
I will leave you to think about what kind of life they would leave and the rights and wrongs about this but remember the bonuses which are stated above like free lodgings and food , so the negatives equall the bonuses and everybody should be happy.
Except of course those who stand and demand that they have equal rights - but i say to them why should somebody have any rights if they have murdered , raped or sexually abused anyone.
The person that they have murdered no longer has any rights and their family and friends have lost someone and a person who has been raped will proberly have that ingrained in their thoughts for a very long time , if not forever and what happened to their rights when you forced your self on that person , And as for the person who was sexually abused , if you sexually abused someone then you have no rights as you not only abused a human but you abused that persons trust.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

The first time.

Today it is January 13th , Today is my Birthday - I like to start simply by saying a huge thankyou to everyone who has either said happy birthday , sent me a card , posted on my facebook wall or texted me.
As well as being my Birthday today there is a By-election happening in Oldham and Saddleworth and i would like to wish Stephen Morris (English Democrat) and the other nationalists a great day and a good result - Hoping that the main 3 parties have a bad day at the polls.

Anyway I promised you something a bit special and hopefully this will be it.

Today is a bit special for me for another reason other than it being my birthday , Today i also celebrate "Deaf Day".
It was on this day 12 years ago that I came round out of what i was told was a light coma and the first time I think I actually realised I could not hear.
I was in hospital and I woke up to see My mum , dad , nan , aunt and 2 of my friends standing at the end of my bed looking at me - apparently i lifted my head looked at them , asked whats going on and followed that up by saying i don't seam to be able to hear anything and promptly laid back down and went back to sleep again -.

It seams very strange that about 3 months before i was working as head of security where i was and still am and was celebrating a friends birthday and Halloween at the same time with a surprise fancy dress party and to move on to that day and to find me lying in bed very ill and not able to hear.

I have to say that today i look at my hearing loss as being one of the best things that has ever happened to me , simply because of the people i met whilst going in and out of hospitals , the new me i found as to be honest the me of then was not something i look back and really like that much , I was extremely self obsessed and didn't really care for the close people around me and this was a really big wake up call.
Also sometime after I lost my hearing about 18 months or so after , i think it was I got implanted with my cochlear implant and that was and still is phenomenal to honest with you , Imagine having what is in effect a light switch on the side of your head , I get up in the morning and put this this on the side of my head and the whole world comes alive with sound , and at the end of the day or when someone is getting on your nerves or things become to much for you , you just switch it off and the world is gone again , One of the biggest bonuses is the fact that unless their is a major earthquake nothing in the world is gonna wake me up - What a result that is.

I will say here that , yes at the time i was fairly devastated i was 29 years of age and apart from when i was younger I had not really been ill that often.
I was in hospital about 3 and half weeks and I hated every minute of it , which contradicts what i have already said but the first hospital and the second hospital were different places , the second being Grays Inn road Ear , Throat and Nose hospital and the staff there are awesome to say the least.
Every step of the way from the time I went in to see them as an out patient because my dad had got fed up with me because i had not heard anything for almost 3 months right through my rehabilitaion , my selection process for my implant , to today when i visit every year or so as an out patient once again I am given the best treatment that there is.

I was told one day when the people manager came to visit me from work to see how i was getting along that if offered something never say no straight away and always leave that door ajar for as long as possible.

Many things changed for me the day i woke up I found a world Id never been inside before and never imagined or even thought about entering , It was a foreign world to me a world at the start where i was not happy and wanted out and I did everything in my power to attempt to get myself to hear , Its odd to think my Doctor and the first hospital I went to over the first few months thought that i was actually lying about being deaf and that about 5 minutes after i went into a cubicle at Grays Inn road , the doctor turned to my dad and simply said that id never hear anything again.
It was a world where id have to learn many knew things and also discover as much as i learned , the Text phone or minicom was the strangest holding conversations with people and finding a 3rd person involved was so strange and the people whom I rang when i first got it who just didn't know what to say or do cus they knew the old Ben.
Sign Language , i don't sign very well but I can do a little , understanding how to communicate with people and Lip reading which is a massive advantage , but can also get you into trouble as i have found out if you read the wrong people.
After about 7 months i could walk into a pub and stand leaning against a table and within a minute I would be able to tell you how noisy that pub was simply by the vibration on the table , the little lights on the music boxes and how people were speaking.

I found many new friends and discovered many things - I went to a place called the Link centre in Eastbourne which was for adults who had lost their hearing and they taught many things in a week , you were able to take a person with you so they could learn as well what you learnt and so they could share the experience as it was called , but to be honest I only went to shut my mum up from whinging every day about going as it would do me good and when i did go they BOTH took me to the train station and stood outside the carriage window pulling stupid faces , and I was really not happy because when I had got on the train Id seen a really nice girl and sat opposite her ,but they found it highly funny to pull these faces and embarrassed the hell out of me. (She never did speak to me)
Anyway I went to the Link centre and before hand i had been pretty down and did not really have any interest in doing anything and simply used to get up go down the stairs to the front room and watch telly and then at the end of the day go back to bed , Anytime my mum asked me to do something i moaned about it.
Coming home after that week alone as I had been to pig headed to take anybody with me and there had been 6 others there who had gone deaf for various reasons and a person with them I was a changed person , it was the first time Id been in the company of other people who could not hear , who had the same thoughts as me and the same concerns as me , these people were going through it like me and nobody could understand what they were living through , just like me.

You have to understand that going from a normal hearing person to suddenly deaf is a really life changing thing.
To talk to somebody at first because lip reading just doesn't happen over night , people used to write things down for me which often meant very long conversations.
I felt excluded from what was going on because whereas before (when i didn't want to be interested or know) Id had the choice of taking part in a conversation I would get stroppy and fly off the handle because people did nothing to include me - I forgot that not only was I living it , but my friends and my family were looking on and seeing somebody who at times could not even stand up without falling over , simply because my balance did not exist.
And oh THE NOISE , inside my head - it drove me crazy and at times it still does , The thing i could not understand the most is the noise i get inside my head various sounds from high pitch buzzing to tiny bells and this is tinnitus which i get all the time its the first thing i wake up to and the last thing i fall asleep to.
I could never understand how if i am that deaf and I am classed as profoundly deaf why I could heart or even got this noise and the doctor told me it was because my head did not understand why I could not hear and was its way of dealing with it

Every time I went out of the house at first alone for months my mum said she would stand at the door and just hope the cars would miss me as very often Id just step out because I could not hear them and she said I d stop and wobble and then lean so I did not fall over.
It would take me an hour to walk to the post box and back as i used that post box as walking exercise and wrote many letters to friends and the box is like 3 minutes away -Id meet on the way various neighbours who just happened to come out and mow their lawn or move something in their front garden when I walked past , to see if I was OK and just ponder around in case I fell over and when i got back home id find my mum in the front garden cutting some bushes back or trimming the hedge -It wasn't something I ever thought about at the time - But it was quite nice.

There was the time I was invited to a birthday party and my friend held a pub party for her and most of her friends Becuase i was find group situations very difficult to handle cus understanding what was going on was VERY hard and i was putting pressure on friends because I could not understand and also becuase they wanted to make sure I was alright.
And she held a get together at her parents house with me and 5 others where we all just sat around and played monopoly.
One of the people there was Laurence and when he arrived he sat away from me , he was crazy anyway and as the night moved on I had noticed he had been looking at me and if id stood up he'd moved away , i thought he was being polite but later in the evening something was said and he simply turned round and said he was scared of me because he did not want to end up deaf - He was lynched by the others and that was the first time id laughed since going deaf.

There were many milestones and many days I struggled big time with what was going on around me and within my head as well
A huge milestone was returning to work (only part time) a few hours a week but having a reason to get up and go out , there was also returning to the Beaver scouts (I was their leader) I'm not sure who was more worried about that the 6 or 7 year olds seeing me and knowing I could not hear or me just for the fact I knew they were being loud but heard nothing , the Implant and beyond with learning again was massive as well.
Each day now is a new day and I enjoy them all as much as possible - Today I am who you see and I hide nothing - Yes i have bed days - and some days i wished Id have stayed in bed ,but we all do.
Today and everyday I am me and that me is quite confident and quite outspoken , But i hide nothing and do what i enjoy.
There is so much more i could say but I hope this has been interesting and thank you for reading today and whoever you are have a great day.

Monday, 10 January 2011


Children are educated at a very early age what is right and what is wrong , When i was younger we found out what was wrong or bad by a smack most of the times it was carried out by my dad and both myself and my sister were sent to our bedrooms until he came home from work.
Quite often the fear if it is the right word was enough to make us be good for a long time and the smack never appeared unless it was completly nessersary - Imagine waiting in your room for an hour or 2 and then hearing your dad walk in , hearing a conversation between your parents and then being called down the stair , very often the tears would happen before the yelling and telling off.
Remember also in those days and we are talking about the late 70's and early 80's that we did not have TV's or Hi-fi's in our room not a playstation or X-Box as those kind of things we not around then.

Ok so moving on to the rights and wrongs - A guy travelled 1500 miles to England to claim squatters rights , becuase he knew he would not be evicted , surely his sense of right would say to him , this is wrong , this is somebody else's house that i am going to be living in and trashing , maybe i should not go - but alas ive struck out again as obviuosly these kind of people do not think like that.

Then we move on to Islam , Yes its that word , these people are being catered for in this country over everybody else , so other people suffer , maybe it is not their faultand maybe they have not asked for schools to serve ALL children Halal food , maybe they have not asked for airlines to serve Halal meals onboard , maybe they have not asked for many restaurants to serve Halal food without stating it so people know , maybe they have not asked for Supermarkets to sell a majorirty of Halal meat in their shops - BUT ARE THEY COMPLAINING and are they asking them to stop an be fair - the simple answer is no.

MPs are running rough shod over what we the people want , and many people want a stop on immgration , but are they doing anything about it NO.

MPs are running rough shod over what people want and if you voted for the LibDem's then you bottomed out big time as they said npo they would not increase student fees and they did.

MPs are running rough shod over what people want and remember they are elected by us , The people to work for us the people and not to line their own pockets - many people want a referendum on the E.U but we are not going to get it.

Wrongs - Look at the Oldham and Saddleworth by-election yesterday - there are 10 candidates standing the normal 3 nut jobs and the Green's , Ukip ,English Democrats ,BNP and the moster raving loony party plus 2 others.
There was a Hustings yesterday and you would think that as a democratic process is about to take place on thursday Jan 13th , that all the candidates would be invited - well actually the answer to that is NO.
The English Democrat candidate Stephen Morris was not invited , which i have been told is actually against electrol commission rules - So he stood out side with a loud hailer and shouted out the party policys which could be heard inside (TOP MAN).
No again from the Tv coverage i have seen only the Conservative , Labour , Lib Dems , Greens , Ukip and BNP were invited (please feel free to correct me)
This is where it gets strange as the BNP man was asked to leave by the police who physically removed him from his seat -yes they laid their hands on him to move him- and why becuase he is BNP and that is that from what i understand , maybe im wrong.

Its time for this country to make a stand and Right its Wrongs and do it with Pride and gusto and without fear of what people around the world will say.
Its time for US the people of this country to reclaim what is ours and implement laws and ways that make the people of this country the important people and , the others who are guests realise that they are guests.
We need do need an English parliment - We DO NOT need people telling us there is already one in London,
We do need strict and strong immigration control - WE DO NOT need people telling us its against their human rights to be removed.
We do need to make sure the culture , history and ways of the people of England/ Britain are put first over others - WE DO NOT need people telling us this is politically incorrect.

There is so much more that is wrong with this country and until we stop the wrongs , we can not implement the rights.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Guest Blogger - John Hopkinson

I have today a 2nd Guest blogger of the week and i will continue to find people of interest to appear and write an article for my blog which hopefully will be enlightening and varied.

Before John's blog entry , I would like to just say a big well done to the England Cricket team on their victory last night in Australia ,Over Australia in the Ashes to secure a stunning 3 - 1 win , where they outplayed them in nearly every department.
The Victory was the first in Australia for 24 years and many records were set and many recent records were broken by the English players , one being the highest team score which was 644 runs.
I know that many people like myself stayed up to watch the cricket and i also know many people like me were very tired when they got to work this morning , but it was worth it.

Now for John Hopkinson - He describes himself as a political and community activist who supports withdrawal from the European Union and the creation of an English Parliament.

Below unadjusted and unedited is Johns Entry , Just for you.

One would have thought the time had come for the English Democrats. Growing dissatisfaction with the European Union with its ever increasing demands for funds from member countries , the euro is disarray and the unsatisfactory devolution arrangements in the United Kingdom highlighted by the student fee's issue should have people clamouring at the door to join the English Democrats. And to add to this list a growing unease of immigration and fears of Islamification the English Democrats should be breaking through to win local and national elections.

But they are not. There are a number of reasons for this. One is the English Democrats is a new party formed in 2002.
It takes time to build up momentum. The existence of Ukip makes it difficult to attract anti EU votes unless it is made clear that Ukip does not favour the creation of English Parliament which is headline policy of the English Democrats.
A further reason is the attempts by the media and the three main political parties to associate them with the BNP.
The English Democrats need to be even more specific and outspoken against racism.

In Tunbridge Wells recently an English Democrat gained 8.4% of the vote first time out , against the three main parties and Ukip. A good result, but the key was the candidate was well know locally because she had been campaigning successfully on local issues for a long time.
A common gripe is that people only see the political parties when there is an election.
What the English Democrats should be doing is getting out there and becoming known as leaders and campaigners in their local communities.

Id like to thank John for his entry and hope you have all enjoyed reading what he had to say and look forward to getting some feedback

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

The Fear of Racism

Racism , racist , racists , nazi's , right wing , facists - These are the words that if you get called or the indications are given what if you are one then you are the others as well.

People often fear being called racist as it carrys a stigma with it.

People are often branded racist for the wrong reason - Patriots are often branded racist by people who are left wing , but is it really wrong to want what is best for your country ??

If people talk openly about subjects then the use of wording should not be challenged by anyone if you are talking about fred who is a black guy and you want to describe him to someone becuase they dont know who he is and you tell them , he's a black bloke about footy high and slim then why should people worry , if its atrue description ??

Racism can actaully come from anybody of any race and can be directed at anybody -its not a one way street and at its worst it can be very hurtfull and is always wrong.

But if you are standing with a group of friends laughing and joking about things and maybe telling jokes is it racist to tell a joke , well actually it is not and it all depends on the context on what something is said - Then of course you have the fear of somebody over hearing your conversation and running and telling the boss that so and so is racist becuase they just said this and that. , It is all to do with context
For example
Prince Charles last year was playing polo and after the game he was heard talking to someone and he called him "Paki" the press got hold of this and of course he was being racist - but stop , hold on and wind your neck in a minute , then go back and see what really happened -: Prince Charles was playing polo with a friend or 2 and after the game him was talking to one and said something to him using a friendly name which he had used for a long time , Yes the man he was talking to was Asian and he did call him "Paki" but Prince C has know this man apparently for 20 years plus and they are best friends , when you are friends with someone you have lines which you draw certain friends do certain things with certain people becuase that is how the friendship works and if anyone should have complained it should have been Prince Charles's friend.

I speak openly to everybody and i treat them all the same , I call it how i see it and as an English Democrat and an Activist , I have been out with people and have been questioned and told that i am promoting racism and when you challenge its cus you are using the word English , but hold on what about the Scottish nationalist are they the same and it comes back well they are different , but how and thats when they walk away.

The English defence league (EDL) are often branded racist , but the question is , they are but only if standing up for you own country is wrong.
If the EDL are racsit then does that not also mean the Muslim defence league (MDL) are as well cus look att their name surely just being for muslims it is wrong like the EDL is just for the English - This is where somebody says but being Muslim is not a race but a religon - But i think you get the idea.

Where does racsim start and where does it stop - Are faith schools racist , If you think about it they could be becuase they do not preach intergration and , if we go back a few years the whole world was up in arms and defending the rights of the black people in South Africa , becuase they were segregated by Aparthide and people wanted equallity and eventually it happened so black and white were made equal - so does that not mean when you go to a faith school , its racist??

Its a hot Question becuase someone will always say well , I want my child to be brought up learning about my faith and our religon - Right or wrong ??

So where do we draw the line or infact where does that line actaully start - I' ll list some groups and organisations below and you decide weather cus they are for only one set of people if they are racist or not racist - then again is it called freedom of speech or freedom of choice or if its wrong , is it wrong becuase its racist or is it consdidered wrong becuase people are too politically correct.

Black police Federeation
English Shieldwall
Muslim council of Great Britain
MOBO awards
Christian Fellowship

There are many many more and the list could be endless - but its what you as a person thinks is right or wrong.
And personally i am all for free speech and i am against Political correctness , but i am for intergration .

Monday, 3 January 2011

In the intrests of US

In the intrest of us ???

Everything that the government does in this country should be in the intrest of the people of the country who are in it and abide by the laws of the land.

Everything the top judges do or the appeal courts do should be in the intrest of the people of the country who are in it and abide by the law of the land.

Everything that big buissness or big firms that operate in this country should be done in the intrest of the people who are in it and abide by the law of the land.

This is why the European Union as we know it can not survive or if it does survive , it will have to do so without this country weather it is England , N.Ireland , Scotland and Wales as indvidual countries or Great Britain - Becuase the way they work in not in our peoples intrest-:

Look at the loan which was given to Twinnings tea by the E.U and what happened was they decided to move from England to a European mainland country becuase the workforce is cheaper.

Look at immigration , If a country is in the E.U. we can not stop people from coming here and getting jobs and putting home grown people out of work , becuase they ask for less and this is wrong !! , WHY becuase this country has a mimimun wage and that is the minimun someone should work for which is the law in this country , but the people from outside of this country come in and undercut the British and work for less.

Moving away from the E.U to the people who run the country and make our laws - All you have to do is look at the Asylum seeker Aso Mohammed Ibrahim who run over the 12 year old girl and killed , but was already banned from driving but he claimed human rights and was allowed to stay , There is something wrong about the law of the land that allows murderers to stay. He may have a family here now but as a guest of this country you should understand that you follow the law or get removed .
Its not just asylum seekers , but everybody who comes here and is a guest that includes people on work visa's and also students - when you are allowed entry to this country , it should be made clear that you do so as a guest and if you screw up and break the law you will be returned to your country of origin
ALSO any appeals that you want to make if you are told your will be deported must be paid for by you and not done so at the expense of the tax payer - This would need to pay this within a certain time frame before your appeal was heard , it sounds harsh but it has to be done in the intrest of this country.

Then you look at things like Cadbury , which was taken over by Kraft , The take over was part funded by the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) which allegedly we are ment to part own becuase we helped bail them out when they were in trouble (Not that we were actaully asked if we wanted to do this) So the RBS supply the funds for Kraft to take over Cadbury and there was a promise of no redunencies , but as soon as Kraft had taken over , they changed their mind - The government should then have stepped in and said - Well actaully if this is the case we will not allow you to take over Cadbury and we will revoke any liecence you have to do anything or made life hard for them - This is called looking after your own and making sure the people who vote have jobs.

Its all very simple and is not rocket since - A government that is strong and puts the people of its country first is a government that is re-elected.

We are told that the petrol rise that is happening and will continue to happen is something they can not do anything about , but why is it we are one of the most expensive countrys in the world to buy petrol from.

We are told the the VAT increase is required so we can repay our debts.

We have had to help bail out Ireland becuase they were in a mess - this was not an option and we will have to borrow money to do this , which is finacial madness and anybody who ran a buissness on thos grounds would be bankrupt within months.

Nothing we do in this country makes any sense - We need to elect a government who works for the good of the people - HANG ON, The government have now passed a law so that they can not be removed unless there is a vote of no confidence ,which will not happen because they are comfortable and would lose their perks and nice holidays - The government needs to be strong and they need to work from with to sort out this country before helping others.

It was proven during the Parkistani flooding last year that the people who want to will doante to the cause's they want to donate to this countries people raised millions to aid Parkistan without government help.
So why Donate to countrys or give them aid if they are a developed country - we give aid to India which is a nuclear power and is taking jobs from here , by being help desks for companies.

Also not so long before christmas , we saw a school which done one to one tutoring via the internet and the people who were employed were people in India , you can not blame the people of India for this , the blame has to lie at the feet of the government.

What can we do , we can complain and moan which we are very good at OR we can elect people that will work from within to help this country and the people inside it.

On Friday I have another guest blogger -so look out for that.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Guest Blogger - Stephen Morris

As it says in the title this edition of my blog I have a guest blogger and that is Stephen Morris , He and his wife Valerie are both English Democrats and Stephen is currently running a campaign in the Oldham east and Saddleworth constituency for a By-Election on January 13th.

So what is below is written by Stephen Morris without being edited by me at all.

This letter has been sent out to an online hustings event:-
In 1997 after 18 years of a Tory Government the people of the UK were expecting great things from Labour , after 13 years the UK and especially England is no better off.
Remember those slogans: Labour: "Things can only get better". They didn't "No more boom or bust."
It busts "Education , Education , Education." Labour forced through tuition fees on English students , Now the Torys backed by the pledge breaking Lib Dem's with Scottish and Welsh MPs voted to increase on English students only.

When devolution was created one Nation was left out , that nation being England. Scotland , Wales and N.Ireland have a government of assembly to look after their intrests with over 17 devolved departments , But England was left out with all UK MPs deciding her policies.
We in England pay perscription charges , tuition fees , have road tolls and foundation hospitals forced onto us to name a few , whilst the Scottish and Welsh MPs still voted them on to the people of England , their MPs voted on purely English issues.
The English Democrats do not want to break up the UK , but those nations within it should be treated equally , each nation looking after its own intrests with MPs answerable to the people - Thats Democracy.

We want a free and fair education system; Our young people are our future. We would abolish tuition fees and ensure the standard of education was raised in our schools. We would ensure our history was taught as well as making sure there was a return of discipline and order.
We believe that natural resources should be used in a way that gives due consideration to the long term consequences. We preserve our countryside for future generations as it is part of our rich national heritidge and can not be replaced.

We want a referendum on our current relationship with the E.U. the people of England have never had a vote on the current arrangements where our laws and soon our taxes will be decided by the E.U. bureaucrats. We would support the withdrawl from the political process of the E.U. But advocate being part of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), in global economy we should be free to trade throughout the world and not tied to the E.U, this works for Norway and Switzerland.

We would put a stop to mass immigration , the provision of our public services works on projects of the population , if we have no control then those projections become irrelevent and those public services will show considerable strain , affecting our workers and the quality of service they provide.

We need MPs that will put England first! Not Scotland , Wales or N.Ireland or the E.U. English MPs who are commited to restoring our industry and will protect the front line public services in England and will give our children the free and fair education that they deserve.
Stephen Morris
NW Chairman
English Democrats

If you read through what Stephen has said everything makes sense and i support 100%.
I would like to wish him all the best for the By-Election he is contesting and hope he gets a good result.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

A bizzare new year

Well 2011 certainly started with a bang in more ways than one London , Sydney and many other places had fireworks screaming across the Sky's in celebration of the new year.

Once that had happened and maybe even while it was happening in some places Egypt felt the raft of Al-qaeda when a bomb exploded outside a church killing 21 people who had been inside during mass , afterwards apparently the Christians went on to what was described in early reports a riot and was very unusual as they attacked a local mosque in revenge.

Elsewhere Ford open prison was the subject of a riot and in the riot the prisoners tried to burn parts of the prison , some parts where alight and are now wrecked.
Early reports suggested that the prisoners rioted because the officers wanted to do breathalyser tests on them but they didnt want it to happen , The question would be if they had been found to be drunk or over the limit what would the have done as someone suggested to me earlier.
Also staff shortages were to blame for the lack of control - Is this due to the Government cuts or just normal ?? There are some things like prison wardens and police that shoul djust be left well alone as they are needed.

The link below is a link to a story about an Iranian woman how had been sentenced to death by stoning who is now sueing 2 german reporters for interviewing her so - she has been got at and is now keeping to a well organised script- apparently the 2 jurnolists entered the country on the wrong visa's to interiew people

In keeping with the bad news a story titled the last curly wurly has been made in Britain - Yes Kraft that took over Cadbury which was funded by the RBS which is publically owned so we are told , becuase we the public bailed them out has made its last bar of chocolate over here and the bars will now be made in eastern europe so the European union is doing a good job of ruining England and Britain with red tape , immigration controls that do not actually exist and killing off our industry.
Personally i think the banks should have been left to rot as tehy have almost come a full circle and are going back to how they were , saying that many people would have been hurt by losing money which is never good.

Else where the new year will see petrol rise by almost 7 pence a litre in the first few weeks of the year , VAT will also increase and you can expect people with mortagage's to feel the pain when the intrest rates begin to rise again and remember they should peak at 5% this year according to what i read late last year so thats not good unless you have some savings and you should get some return on your money.

The Archbishop Dr Rowan Williams has said that people of all faiths should have a look at the king James Bible and that it could have a role to play in todays big society

Tonight sees the 5th and final test of the Ashes which England have actually secured already as we already hold them and a draw will mean we keep them , but a victory which should happen and we will come home clear winners , it was the first time we had won the Ashes in Australia in 24 years - although they may have other things on their minds with flooding of biblical proportions as it has been put - Ricky Ponting is out of the team with a broken finger the first Australian captain to lose the Ashes 3 times.
Thats really not a good thing to be remembered for is it , Its a bit like Barack Obama he will be remembered as the president but it will be cus he was the first black president of the country , which is ashame cus he could have done so much , but the mid term elections have made sure he can not do anything really.

David Beckham is coming home even if it is for 2 months he said about a week ago that he would only play for Manchester United if he played in England , but now it is almost 100% certain he will play for Tottenham and could face united in a few weeks time.

Well thats it if you have any comments please do post.