I'm sure at the back of my mind the Government are trying to make us all into sheep and the more they control us the easier it will be.
Lets look at the whats happening and think about it.
England , We are the only home country without control of our own affairs as Scotland has its own Parliament , Ireland has Stormont and the Welsh have their own Assembly with only their MP's deciding on their issues where with English Issues they all have a say
National anthem - The above four once again have their own and well we have God Save the Queen which is the British anthem , so maybe we should have our own as well , I am aware some people don't agree on this issue , but personally i think we should have Jerusalem.
Petrol - The prices are going up , I read a article the other day where it is said petrol will reach £1.60 a litre by the summer and the the government are thinking about petrol rationing , if this happens travel will be restricted as you will not have the petrol to get anywhere and this is a form of control as they would limit the places you can go and that would effect activists , no petrol , no travel , no demo's - No problem to the government -We'd be good little people.
Interest rates - There is a suggestion that these will rocket soon from 0.5% to 6% over a period of weeks - savers (if you are lucky enough to have cash to stash will be happier) but those with a mortgage will be screwed and find mortgages rising rapidly (more bonuses for the fat cat bankers)
With the two above people will find it hard to do anything apart from live their daily lives and have food on the table to eat.
Citizens advice Bureau's - I have seen tonight that these are going to be closed down in many areas as part of the cuts , they are free places to attend for people who have problems and as it says it offers advice , but if they are closed , you would need a solicitor which can be quite expensive - more money-
Police stations that are part time , Hospital's Accident and emergency's being closed down - It restricts you to where you can go.
Speed cameras and CCTV - These are all part of big brother and so "they" know where YOU are at most times - I've said it before a while back about tracking and keeping an eye on YOU AND YOUR MOVEMENTS
Control again - Next year at the Olympics in London there will be route's just for the athletes and no one else can use ?? Everything will become more expensive and if you look at the taxes , Londoners are actually paying an Olympic tax to pay for the building work.
It was said just after we lost out on the world cup vote that Sepp Blatter was uninvited by Boris Johnson to stay at the Ritz i think it was during the Olympics at OUR expense , but why should we have even had to pay for this - he would have brought many people with him , like the others who are classed as officials and dignitaries , they will all bring to many people and clog up our hotels where paying tourists would stay.
The Census which happens this year - We'll you can't be English on this and you will have no choice but to fill it in or its a criminal offence (I've got round this i think I've applied to work with them and can infiltrate the inner sanctum in my area so i can "ASSIST" people with filling them out(wink wink))
Parking control - I know in London it is almost at a point where you can not park anywhere without a permit or paying for it and the prices are going up and not only do you fight against lurking traffic wardens but also cameras and their operatives
Libraries - cut backs mean that some of these are being closed down so people can not get access to free books and many people go to them and there is a wide variety of books to choose from , but if they close , people will not have access to knowledge - Is that the plan ? -
Immigration , Its a bit different from the rest but we can not control immigration from within the E.U. so everybody who can come here does come here and outside of the E.U. , it looks like the government just ask people to come so our way of life is not what it was - The councils and other bodies spend money on translation services of all types (if someone is arrested they have to understand what is said , booklets and documents for all types of services are translated)
S o the money which is spent on this is not available for other things and we lose more.
Every step of the way the people above us want to control us and if we are thick and can not do anything then they control us - Education apparently children who learn language's are dropping in normal schools , Is this because they know there are not the jobs out there and the lower paid jobs are the aim so they can at least get money ?
There are many other ways of control and dumbing us down - Strikes so we can not travel or have to go the route that they want.
Traffic control , I.e road works mean you have to take diversions again this is them controlling us and MAKING us go in a certain direction - people never question things that become normal , unless they are brave or outspoken.
The media is the worse , they control what they want you to know and what they want you to see although its harder nowadays because of the Internet , but if you post on Face book or YouTube you have a chance of items being removed - More big brother.
Speed control zones - These are mainly on motor ways and make sure you travel at the correct speed over quite long distances and if you blip you get a ticket and its all done by registration recognition , so no escape
Well there is a lot there - I think the way out of this is to question everything and challenge as much as you can - email , letters , write into newspapers , radio stations , Internet blogs , chat rooms - there are many ways you can talk and spread the word butt he best is complaining to the councils and MP's as often as you can.
Depressing world at the moment Ben....good blog mate.