In the intrest of us ???
Everything that the government does in this country should be in the intrest of the people of the country who are in it and abide by the laws of the land.
Everything the top judges do or the appeal courts do should be in the intrest of the people of the country who are in it and abide by the law of the land.
Everything that big buissness or big firms that operate in this country should be done in the intrest of the people who are in it and abide by the law of the land.
This is why the European Union as we know it can not survive or if it does survive , it will have to do so without this country weather it is England , N.Ireland , Scotland and Wales as indvidual countries or Great Britain - Becuase the way they work in not in our peoples intrest-:
Look at the loan which was given to Twinnings tea by the E.U and what happened was they decided to move from England to a European mainland country becuase the workforce is cheaper.
Look at immigration , If a country is in the E.U. we can not stop people from coming here and getting jobs and putting home grown people out of work , becuase they ask for less and this is wrong !! , WHY becuase this country has a mimimun wage and that is the minimun someone should work for which is the law in this country , but the people from outside of this country come in and undercut the British and work for less.
Moving away from the E.U to the people who run the country and make our laws - All you have to do is look at the Asylum seeker Aso Mohammed Ibrahim who run over the 12 year old girl and killed , but was already banned from driving but he claimed human rights and was allowed to stay , There is something wrong about the law of the land that allows murderers to stay. He may have a family here now but as a guest of this country you should understand that you follow the law or get removed .
Its not just asylum seekers , but everybody who comes here and is a guest that includes people on work visa's and also students - when you are allowed entry to this country , it should be made clear that you do so as a guest and if you screw up and break the law you will be returned to your country of origin
ALSO any appeals that you want to make if you are told your will be deported must be paid for by you and not done so at the expense of the tax payer - This would need to pay this within a certain time frame before your appeal was heard , it sounds harsh but it has to be done in the intrest of this country.
Then you look at things like Cadbury , which was taken over by Kraft , The take over was part funded by the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) which allegedly we are ment to part own becuase we helped bail them out when they were in trouble (Not that we were actaully asked if we wanted to do this) So the RBS supply the funds for Kraft to take over Cadbury and there was a promise of no redunencies , but as soon as Kraft had taken over , they changed their mind - The government should then have stepped in and said - Well actaully if this is the case we will not allow you to take over Cadbury and we will revoke any liecence you have to do anything or made life hard for them - This is called looking after your own and making sure the people who vote have jobs.
Its all very simple and is not rocket since - A government that is strong and puts the people of its country first is a government that is re-elected.
We are told that the petrol rise that is happening and will continue to happen is something they can not do anything about , but why is it we are one of the most expensive countrys in the world to buy petrol from.
We are told the the VAT increase is required so we can repay our debts.
We have had to help bail out Ireland becuase they were in a mess - this was not an option and we will have to borrow money to do this , which is finacial madness and anybody who ran a buissness on thos grounds would be bankrupt within months.
Nothing we do in this country makes any sense - We need to elect a government who works for the good of the people - HANG ON, The government have now passed a law so that they can not be removed unless there is a vote of no confidence ,which will not happen because they are comfortable and would lose their perks and nice holidays - The government needs to be strong and they need to work from with to sort out this country before helping others.
It was proven during the Parkistani flooding last year that the people who want to will doante to the cause's they want to donate to this countries people raised millions to aid Parkistan without government help.
So why Donate to countrys or give them aid if they are a developed country - we give aid to India which is a nuclear power and is taking jobs from here , by being help desks for companies.
Also not so long before christmas , we saw a school which done one to one tutoring via the internet and the people who were employed were people in India , you can not blame the people of India for this , the blame has to lie at the feet of the government.
What can we do , we can complain and moan which we are very good at OR we can elect people that will work from within to help this country and the people inside it.
On Friday I have another guest blogger -so look out for that.
Many true words spoken here. The English have been denied for years, in a nut shell all can say is many people will think the same many people will take it and walk away. The problem is apathy. No one seems to care, they saying "they know what to do" is wrong. If it was true then we wouldn't be in the mess were in. Borrowing money makes the economy work, Labour over spent, the Tory's will under spend and put this country firmly in the hands of the EU or run it into the ground.