Sunday, 2 January 2011

Guest Blogger - Stephen Morris

As it says in the title this edition of my blog I have a guest blogger and that is Stephen Morris , He and his wife Valerie are both English Democrats and Stephen is currently running a campaign in the Oldham east and Saddleworth constituency for a By-Election on January 13th.

So what is below is written by Stephen Morris without being edited by me at all.

This letter has been sent out to an online hustings event:-
In 1997 after 18 years of a Tory Government the people of the UK were expecting great things from Labour , after 13 years the UK and especially England is no better off.
Remember those slogans: Labour: "Things can only get better". They didn't "No more boom or bust."
It busts "Education , Education , Education." Labour forced through tuition fees on English students , Now the Torys backed by the pledge breaking Lib Dem's with Scottish and Welsh MPs voted to increase on English students only.

When devolution was created one Nation was left out , that nation being England. Scotland , Wales and N.Ireland have a government of assembly to look after their intrests with over 17 devolved departments , But England was left out with all UK MPs deciding her policies.
We in England pay perscription charges , tuition fees , have road tolls and foundation hospitals forced onto us to name a few , whilst the Scottish and Welsh MPs still voted them on to the people of England , their MPs voted on purely English issues.
The English Democrats do not want to break up the UK , but those nations within it should be treated equally , each nation looking after its own intrests with MPs answerable to the people - Thats Democracy.

We want a free and fair education system; Our young people are our future. We would abolish tuition fees and ensure the standard of education was raised in our schools. We would ensure our history was taught as well as making sure there was a return of discipline and order.
We believe that natural resources should be used in a way that gives due consideration to the long term consequences. We preserve our countryside for future generations as it is part of our rich national heritidge and can not be replaced.

We want a referendum on our current relationship with the E.U. the people of England have never had a vote on the current arrangements where our laws and soon our taxes will be decided by the E.U. bureaucrats. We would support the withdrawl from the political process of the E.U. But advocate being part of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), in global economy we should be free to trade throughout the world and not tied to the E.U, this works for Norway and Switzerland.

We would put a stop to mass immigration , the provision of our public services works on projects of the population , if we have no control then those projections become irrelevent and those public services will show considerable strain , affecting our workers and the quality of service they provide.

We need MPs that will put England first! Not Scotland , Wales or N.Ireland or the E.U. English MPs who are commited to restoring our industry and will protect the front line public services in England and will give our children the free and fair education that they deserve.
Stephen Morris
NW Chairman
English Democrats

If you read through what Stephen has said everything makes sense and i support 100%.
I would like to wish him all the best for the By-Election he is contesting and hope he gets a good result.

1 comment:

  1. Useful summary of the English Democrats position on a number of policies. Will be interesting to see how they do in the Old & Sad by-election.
