Racism , racist , racists , nazi's , right wing , facists - These are the words that if you get called or the indications are given what if you are one then you are the others as well.
People often fear being called racist as it carrys a stigma with it.
People are often branded racist for the wrong reason - Patriots are often branded racist by people who are left wing , but is it really wrong to want what is best for your country ??
If people talk openly about subjects then the use of wording should not be challenged by anyone if you are talking about fred who is a black guy and you want to describe him to someone becuase they dont know who he is and you tell them , he's a black bloke about footy high and slim then why should people worry , if its atrue description ??
Racism can actaully come from anybody of any race and can be directed at anybody -its not a one way street and at its worst it can be very hurtfull and is always wrong.
But if you are standing with a group of friends laughing and joking about things and maybe telling jokes is it racist to tell a joke , well actually it is not and it all depends on the context on what something is said - Then of course you have the fear of somebody over hearing your conversation and running and telling the boss that so and so is racist becuase they just said this and that. , It is all to do with context
For example
Prince Charles last year was playing polo and after the game he was heard talking to someone and he called him "Paki" the press got hold of this and of course he was being racist - but stop , hold on and wind your neck in a minute , then go back and see what really happened -: Prince Charles was playing polo with a friend or 2 and after the game him was talking to one and said something to him using a friendly name which he had used for a long time , Yes the man he was talking to was Asian and he did call him "Paki" but Prince C has know this man apparently for 20 years plus and they are best friends , when you are friends with someone you have lines which you draw certain friends do certain things with certain people becuase that is how the friendship works and if anyone should have complained it should have been Prince Charles's friend.
I speak openly to everybody and i treat them all the same , I call it how i see it and as an English Democrat and an Activist , I have been out with people and have been questioned and told that i am promoting racism and when you challenge its cus you are using the word English , but hold on what about the Scottish nationalist are they the same and it comes back well they are different , but how and thats when they walk away.
The English defence league (EDL) are often branded racist , but the question is , they are but only if standing up for you own country is wrong.
If the EDL are racsit then does that not also mean the Muslim defence league (MDL) are as well cus look att their name surely just being for muslims it is wrong like the EDL is just for the English - This is where somebody says but being Muslim is not a race but a religon - But i think you get the idea.
Where does racsim start and where does it stop - Are faith schools racist , If you think about it they could be becuase they do not preach intergration and , if we go back a few years the whole world was up in arms and defending the rights of the black people in South Africa , becuase they were segregated by Aparthide and people wanted equallity and eventually it happened so black and white were made equal - so does that not mean when you go to a faith school , its racist??
Its a hot Question becuase someone will always say well , I want my child to be brought up learning about my faith and our religon - Right or wrong ??
So where do we draw the line or infact where does that line actaully start - I' ll list some groups and organisations below and you decide weather cus they are for only one set of people if they are racist or not racist - then again is it called freedom of speech or freedom of choice or if its wrong , is it wrong becuase its racist or is it consdidered wrong becuase people are too politically correct.
Black police Federeation
English Shieldwall
Muslim council of Great Britain
MOBO awards
Christian Fellowship
There are many many more and the list could be endless - but its what you as a person thinks is right or wrong.
And personally i am all for free speech and i am against Political correctness , but i am for intergration .
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