Sunday, 21 August 2011
Al Quds , The police and a Game of chase
Also today in London was Al Quds a march through London by pro Palestine group Hezbullah which to my understanding is an illegal group in nearly every european country around ( if im wrong i will post an apology)
They came to London Like they did last year and marched if you look at the photos calling for Isreal to be destroyed you will see why it was countered
Link to photos (not mine)
They were opposed by people from various groups which included Free Iran whom we stood with last year outside the mayfair Hilton hotel and also March for England , English Defence League and also English Democrats (if i missed you out im sorry)
The arrangements were made and kept fairly quite there was a page for an event put on facebook , the details on that page were not totally correct and we all ad to wait until about 12 hours before hand to find out where we were meeting and when.
I got a text sent to me which was a link to a website that only allowed you to view it one time (id nver seen that before)
No colours or flags were required as it was to be as low profile as possible .
Arriving at the designated station in London i was met by Dave whom was on the look out for the Old Bill but none were around , so we went to the pub and over the next 90 minutes many more patriots all showed up and we just had a chat and a laugh.
At about 12 45 in small groups we set off to piccadilly and found another pub to sit in closer to Trafalgar square , no sooner had we arrived and the police showed up and walked around and spoke to one or 2 people , but this had been advertised as a shopping trip so thats what we were doing , we moved pubs and about 10 minutes after we had arrived the police caught up again so we moved again - this was the way the day was going to be we wee around the police knew we were about but were not sure where we were , who we were and where we would spring from.
Eventually after about 4 pubs i think it was we found our wayto trafalgar square and we mingled with the crowds in small groups , the police showed up evetually and once there they got on their radios and identfied some know people.
A platform was being erected for the Al-Quds speakers to spew their hatred about Isreal and I think this was where last year George Galloway called for 1000 deaths !!
Behind the platform was Nelson standing watching as ever over London and so some people climbed up and positoned themselves behind the platform and speakers.
There is a policy in Trafalgar square as with many places of no Alcohol allowed so some were asked politely to stop drinking.
After about 30 to 40 minutes more police showed up and started roaming around a couple of patriots had taken up residence on the patform and were asked to move which thy did so after a conversation and then the police started to remove those from behind the platform - No real reason was given except that gold command had issued orders for the safety of London and they were asking people to leave the square under section 14.
A position well out of the way in the left hand bottom corner on the opposite side of the road had be given to us for our designated protest point - this would mean we had no chance of being close to any of the marchers and would not be heard because of the main road between us and them so it was a pointless exerise but one which a few found usefull to vent off some steam and shout at the al-quds people as they strolled past.
The idea was to remove as many patriotsas possible from the square so that they had no chance of objecting to the speakers or marchers and the police sept the square and picked up and removed quite a few , some more than once but as they were not issuing actual section 14 paper it was hard for them to know whom had been spoken to and who had not.
The entire exercise was just so that the Al-Quds marchers were left in peace the people behind the platform wanted to fly the English flag but were not going to be allowed to do so ? Is this London the capital of England or another country ?
We did achieve something today , actually we did achieve more than something , the 16000 police which Cameronsaid would protect London were most of the time unaware of where and who we were and what was happening so they had to work hard for their pay today , we also delayed the march entry to the square by about 2 hours with a few people and to quote a few people
Warren "we delayed with about 50 people them by about 2 hours imagine if we had , had more people "
Dave "I saw no EGO's today just people from different groups working together"
And i have to say it was a good day and nice to be out amoung fellow patriots for the cause.
I would ask why to the police we are not allowed to raise of fly the george cross in trafalgar square as it is our country and our flag and i would also ask why they felt the need to remove so many people all of whom were patriots who simply wanted to oppose a march that was not welcome.
But its like Cameron said after ther riots "th EDL are sick" - Yep Dave you are proberly right them and other patriots are sick, sick of being pushed around in a country we love and a country that is worth fighting for and all the groups will be around long after you HAVE been removed from number 10.
It is at this juncture id like to pont out I did get home to my mums to join her and my wife for a roast lamb birthday dinner and we all enjoyed it.
It was a great day and we all had fun , I love each and every patriot who was there today and i know many who did not make it who would have if they could have and I love you all.
See you all in a few weeks
Monday, 8 August 2011
The Day after the night before
Monday, 11 July 2011
Anjem Choudray
Now Anjem Choudray - He is a man who speaks out against Democracy and a man who loves Islam and wants Shariah to be introduced into this country and it looks like he hates everything that is connected to Great Britain past , present and the future.
I see him or something to do with him almost daily in the newspapers or on face book or twitter , but think about this and consider this.
If like i am doing here by dedicating a issue of my blog to him , we are giving him coverage for him to spew his hatred and spread his beliefs and by doing this we are giving him power.
He only has the power because we give it to him , if we ignore his hate and spew he would not be half the so called man he is.
Admittedly he would still be around and talking and preaching his brand of hate with the army of little followers he has , but maybe if we tried to ignore him more and gave him less inches in the press or less time and space on the social networking sites he may not be as big a problem as he is.
I am not saying here that he will go away because he will not and I am not saying he will vanish if we ignore him because he will not and he does need to be opposed and stood up to.
Things like the Shariah control zone which him and his MAC followers and the hate preachers want has to be opposed , but maybe its time to think about what we are doing and make a step change.
Now this is just my idea but I am sure there are people out there with bigger and better ideas - but if we are going to talk about him and his followers and the people of the MAC then take it off of the main pages and take it behind closed doors.
Private messages , Skype , text messages , email to name a few , we have the power and we hold the power to his strenght and we also hold the power to his downfall nd those who follow him.
Look at it this way if we stop , take a step back and look at what he does and says and take him down a few pegs , but do it with style and do it with elegance do not get involved in tit for tat events , jus remove him.
If he issues a statement or posts something on his website/face book/MAC page or Twitter have a look at i and read it so you , I , we , all of us know what is going on and then if it is offensive report it to the required people , if it is highly debatable then report it to the police or the ISP which provides his service , after a while we will hit on something and something will be done bout it / and or him , It may take a while to do this as it is not a quick solutions b any means but we will get there.
Report things as spam or report things as offensive to the isp , not just one or to of us but a whole heap of us , The EDL had at my last look just under 90,000 people on it , then we have the MFE , EDP , ENA and many others who all have their own followers and aims.
We still need to go out and oppose events like the Breaking the silence , the bill posting and when he goes to places like the American embassy to burn our flags and make people like Bin Laden martyrs as it is always good to be seen out , so they know we are still around , but again look at what we do and how we do it.
When we went to the American embassy to oppose him when he was praying with his followers after Bin Laden was removed we were kept too far away to do anything , so maybe a group appears and does what they do and a few , not so well known with out flags or colour hang around take pictures , record images and then go away and have a look and see what is inflammatory or offensive and report it.
Maybe we even have somewhere a good friendly solicitor who may help or a law student or person who can help out a friendly policeman who can say yes this can be reported , this cant etc etc.
Step change and game plan - work openly but with plans taken away from the public eye , we know that the police and others watch what people do on here and we know that they work against us.
All you have to do is look at the March for England event last Saturday when for no reason they were removed from a pub in London for no other reason than they wanted to do it , or maybe it was because they were to close to an Islamic conference and taken to Bromley , for not doing anything wrong.
We know that we are fighting a battle that is going to be hard and the state is working against us , so lets not make it easy for them and make it as difficult as possible for them to do these things.
Remember the reasons we are doing this and just in case you have forgotten there are 2 main reasons.
The first is "for our today they gave their tomorrows" Yesterdays and today's soldiers of old and new.
The Second - We do this not for us but for our children and our children's children's freedom and right to walk the streets of England and Great Britain freely as we have done for a long long time.
Monday, 13 June 2011
Its not them its us.
Today i am going to move onto the current crop of people who we have running the country and those who have had a chance of running the country and failed the people quite successfully.
We have a coalition government led by Cameron and Clegg , before these we had Brown and Blair and they are all doing what appears to be the best that they possibly can to kill this country dead.
Cameron went to Pakistan and apologised for our behaviour and gave them £650 million.
Clegg has given away his sole for a seat in power - example the student fees which he said he would not back , but never stopped them being raised.
Blair lied to us time and time again and has never repented.
Brown was equally as bad as Blair and did nothing for the English side of the border , but did sign up to the Scottish claim of right.
None of these leaders has actually stopped and looked at this country and thought about what we need.
We are / were bombing Libya - Billions of £'s and £650 million to Pakistan plus the money we pay to the EU and get nothing worthwhile back in return.
So "Its not them its us"
It may not be a popular view but i have thought it so i will put it in writing.
The influx of immigration , the Tower Hamlets issue , the British Jobs for British workers which is not happening cos they go to others who work for less.
The selling off of our heritage like the attempt to sell off our national forests and to my knowledge Dover is still up for sale.
And much much more.
The people who are taking what the government are offering are only doing so because they are being allowed to do so.
Immigration is happening because the people that we elected are allowing it to happen.
The Tower Hamlets issue - the mayor with the backing from the IFE and Ken Livingston has happened because it has been allowed to happen because of the government that we have elected.
There was a list in one of today's newspapers of 14 people who are all threats to national security who will be freed before the Olympics and will not have served their sentences , I think one of them run a terrorist training camp in England somewhere and others had links to terrorism?
None of these people are going to do anything good for this country and should remain in jail for the full length of their jail term , if they are from this country they need to be watched when released , if they are not they need to be deported as soon as possible.
Right so WE , The people are allowing this to happen.
We had a chance to do something about this last year in the general election, but failed to and we elected the same sort of tripe as we did the election before and the election before that.
We had a chance this year around the country to put into councils some fresh people who are not from the status quo of Lib/Lab/Con , but again people failed in numbers to do anything - admittedly some patriots were voted in but it was few and far between.
So why do we do this to ourselves the answer is simple I don't know.
You can not blame the people who take , take , take from us if the government are offering stuff and they are taking it.
The Mayor of Tower Hamlets Rahman played the game by the rules and although some of what he did was suspect (so suspect the Labour party kicked him out) he did what he did with his supporters in a way that could not be challenged.
He now has access to a budget of £1billion which is a great deal and it is his and his aides to do with as they think suitable.
You can not blame the people who come to this country and use the NHS or claim benefits from us because they are doing it according to the laws that are in place and they are doing it well.
You can not blame the people who break the laws of the land and use the Human rights laws to stay here as it is being given to them and they are playing by the rules under the current laws.
YES I KNOW people are not happy and there is nothing we can do because it is the law of the land and it is OUR FAULT , Yes that's right it is down to us and what we are doing.
To change anything we need to change the law makers and the ways that they do it at the moment they are doing what they want when they want.
We have the people who support the patriot movement , the problem is the spilt votes when there is an election and we need to do something about it , sooner rather than later.
We have to play the game according to how the rules are written , we need to get people out of the mindset of voting for what is classed as the big 3 party's and get them to take notice of the others and get people elected who can get into the corridors of power and start to change things for the better.
Its time to get people to wake up and smell the coffee.
Its time we got our heads together as a thinking people and used our brains and got them to work for us.
The next big election to my knowledge is the GLA (greater London assembly) 2012 or the Mayoral elections - Yes Boris is there now and we know it will be a 2 horse race between him and Ken.
But we need to make sure Boris wins and Ken is kept as far away as possible from power - remember he did support the ousted Labour candidate and new mayor in Tower Hamlets Rahman and he did support the IRA in the 80's by flying black flags over the then GLC - so he should be UNELECTABLE.
So we vote for Boris but use our other votes wisely and with confidence and use them to vote for party's that will make a difference - Yes most people know I am an English Democrat and I will have my name most properly on that list of candidates , but there is also UKIP and others to elect so we need to stop and think wisely and do what is right.
Forget about the LibDems and the Labour Party , its time for them to move over and allow others some time to so what is right.
Think about it we have some time , but don't take too long - Your country needs you and we can start in London and work our way out
Planning , strategy and forward thinking.
You know it makes sense
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Englands Leaders
The People of England , the English people - have many people who lead their own groups , parties or organisations.
You have many groups that want to do what is right for England and have their own goals or aims - they all have their own leadership and their own followers.
But we need ONE PERSON to come to the forefront and lead the whole of England and its people , we need ONE PERSON to come along and take us by the hand and guide us into the right direction , so that we can all stand as one people.
At the moment we have too many people who are doing their own thing , that is not maybe a bad thing because some of those people who are doing the leading are great people and they are doing what they can with the resources that they have to hand.
We have many groups and many peoples , many people belong to at least one if not more than one group English Democrats , March for England , English defence league , for England party , English shieldwall , English nationalist Association , Campaign for an English parliament , British Patriots society , UKIP , BNP - yes some of these groups look out for Britain as well as England - But they all have the same thing in common.
That thing that they all have in common is a Independent leader and followers which is great or is it , THAT'S THE QUESTION , Is it great.
We need a person to step forward and stand up and be there to join us all together.
A person who is so great that everybody turns and says they are the leader of England , They are the person i am going to follow and i will dedicate my support to that person and what they wish to achieve
That person would need to be magnetic and magical so that when those who are guaranteed to attack them , they would just shrug their shoulders and move on.
They would have to be charismatic , they would need to know how to play the media and to get people from all groups to work together.
It would be a tough job and just like the England football manager there would be people waiting in the wings to rip them to shreds at the first chance that they got.
The Question is where are we going to find this person that will represent the whole of England and everything that England stands for?
Have we found them already , Are they standing among us already on the many Demo's that the English Defence league take part in ?
Are they Hidden away in a party like the English Democrats , just waiting for their chance to grab the limelight ?
Are already leading a group which stands up for England and has done so for a long time and which has been around for longer than most of us realise and March for England
And this is a big or is it someone who we all have no idea about and is standing around with all the ideas but just wants to worry about who murdered who in Eastenders.
Many people support what is called the English Cause - but they are all divided in some way - there are many different party's who field candidates in elections all over the country and they all take votes away from each other.
In a parliamentary election you could get 3 or 4 parties standing in the same area and they could take a couple of thousand votes between them - granted not enough to win the seat , but if people saw that people are willing to forget about their differences and unite , then there is a possibility that more people would come over and vote.
Achieving that may well mean that at a general election the English Nationalist vote (not my term) or the patriots who stood for election would possibly get voted in and could then do some good for the people of this country.
So the BIG question is where do we find this magnificent man who will front the the campaign for England?
Where do we find this truly amazing woman who will unite us all and lead us from the front?
So stand up and step forward that person - Unite as all as one and lets get England back on the road to recovery , lets step out of the European union and make our own laws and not waste any more cash on them.
Lets get ourselves out of the human rights charter so we can allow our judges to pass the right sentences for the right people.
And lets loss this politically correct nonsense where to many people worry about what they are going to say and who they are going to say it to.
Stand united - One people , One country , One law - Only one England.
Sunday, 8 May 2011
If you see an E.U flag flying , take up the mantle and if they are not flying your flag go and ask them why not , state that YES we are in the EU but not through choice and that you have never been asked if you actually want to be a person classed as a member of the European Union superstate and that they should be flying your flag as well - As if they are not it could be discrimination and that you will complain to the Equality and human rights commission.
Once you have done that go tell your friends to do the same and get a stready stream of people going to the same place and really annoy them - once you have done this contact the EHRC (Equality and human rights commission)
Link here
Revolution - It is begining to happen - We have stood up to Nick Clegg and his drive to get more seats in the house of commons via the back door and said a huge NO to him in the AV vote and also in the council elections - He after all has no right to have a seat at David Camerons side in the government as he and his party came 3rd - He and his party were delt a major kicking last Thursday by the people - The people have spoken and given their verdict on him and his partys policys
The revolution took a step in the right direction when Cameron was falsed to back track on the selling off of the public forests - Remember that word Public that means me and you - the people who put them into the house of commons -They speak for you.
The Revolution continues and we need to be seen to be standing up even more than we have done in the past.
The quite revolution can have as much success as the loud revolution - they both have their places and they both have the right people in the right places doing what they know is right.
The Revolution continues with HALAL food - why cus we have the right to know what we are eating and should be allowed to make an informed choice with knowledge of knowing what we are eating - Its right and its fair - Complain to the EHRC again and tell them you want a choice and you want knowledge of what you are eating.
Also look to this page on facebook - there are other links on this page as well - fairness and eqaulity rules , one law for all.
The quite revolution continues
An English Parliment to make it equal for the people of England - The Scots have their own parliment , The Welsh and Irish have their equivlents and so should we have its right and its fair .
We should be able to make our own choices with our own MP's in our own parliment without influence from the Scots , the Welsh and the Irish MP's just like they have the ability to do in their parliments.
The Scottish Parliment on April 1st made it so the prescription charges were free to Scottish people (i have no problem with that (good luck to them)) but without our own parliment we are unable to make these laws for us , The people of England , We currently pay £7.40 per item and that can become costly if you need medication on a weekly basis and need more than one item
Link Below
The people of England and the people of Britain are good at being quite it is something we have always been good and - so the Quite revolution is ideal and suits people down to the ground.
Be part of the Quite revolution and take the bull by the horns.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Mr Bin Laden the alleged man behind the 9/11 plot was finally found and removed from society in Parkistan after a 10 year hunt by the Americans.
Depending on what reports you have read is depending on what you believe but according to the the Americans their special forces shot him and then fed him to the fish - I wonder if that counts as Halal food cus he had Islamic prayers said over him (allegedly) according to islamic tradition.
Anyway he's gone he was aparently living in Parkistan for some time in a huge compound and the strike took place without knowledge of the Parkistani authoritys.
There has been a question asked that if the yanks can do this to him then why not to others and slowly eradicate the world terrorist problem - It was mention that they could have removed Mugabe of Zimbabwe as well as he has been killed people in his own country for a long time now.
I can think of a list of people who they could also remove Ken Livingston , Gerry Adams , George Galloway , Choudray of the MAC , the Mayor of Tower Hamlets , Tony Blair , Gordon Brown - You can proberly think of more.
Anyway Today the MAC took to the streets of London once again , and once again protected by the police and allowed to do their thing without thought of stopping them while people looked on and thought is this really happening on the streets of England ?? Is this actually the way the police and the government want people to remember London , The CAPTIAL city of our country where 300 or more Muslim extremists are allowed to pray in the middle of the streets outside the American Embassy to a man who was the worlds most wanted Terrorist and let them get away with it.
We were told by one policewoman she was only doing her job , funny the camp gaurds in the concentration camps said that but allowed it to happen ??
Another told us we were not allowed to fly our George cross flags in the park and he was very grumpy as well.
Surely Bin Laden was a murderer and these fanantics who were in London today praying for him and making him a Martyr were inciting racial hatred and if you want to question how this was inciting hatred , but if you do question is will you get a civilised answer -No.
Today the police had to step in and arrested to of the MAC group becuase they were threatening violence but if you look at the BBC website it says none were arrested.
How the Americans allowed this to happen right outside their gates I have no idea.
Praying in the middle of a public street to a man who killed many many people and masterminded many other attacks - what happened to the public right of way.
You look at it now and it does appear like we have alreay lost out country to extremists and these extremist take it to a completely different level - they are willing to die for their cause Suicide bombers have proven this.
So what do we do - Well simply the answer is we can do nothing unless the government decide to do something but them they banned the ISLAM4UK group now Muslims against the crusaders and if they ban them they will just create another group.
So we have a choice here and it is just 2 choices
The first is we give up and close our front doors and wait with the government for these people to take control of the country and then accept Sharia law and everything that goes with it - i for one would be gone from that country before that happens if it got that far- .
The second is we fight them one the streets - hopefully not with full on violence - but in the sense with groups such as the EDL /MFE and ENA to name a few show so much pressure that the government decideds to act and do something drastic - maybe follow the french way to start with ??
And also we get people to vote in Patriots so that we have people working on the inside and making sure the right things happen.
And this is the important thing This is England or Britain we have in this country along side us Scotland ,Ireland and Wales and we have proud traditions and heritidge and we should not let them just disappear and ask yourself this if you moved to a country where the rulers ruled under sharia law and you wnated the kind of stuff the MAC wanted would you get it.
Monday, 2 May 2011
The Wizard of Oz
So we have Osman Bin Laden killed by the Americans in Pakistan after a 10 year game of hide and seek which he finally lost.
Then we have Gaddafi's youngest son Killed by the people supporting the no fly zone in Libya.
Does that make today or the last few days good days ? ?
I'm not really sure to be honest with you - But Hell yeah as the Americans would say he killed thousands in 9/11 and was responsible for other acts of violence so he ultimately got his just desserts and the Americans got their man - he was the trump in the pack of cards (do you remember the playing cards George Bush revealed one press conference?? )
Does it all end there and can we move on now - Ha ha ha (sorry) the answer to that is by far no as we have already received warnings from our mate Anjem Choudary about another 7/7 in this country and he even went as far saying it could happen today - This guy is a utter twat (my opinion) , He just spews vile hatred or oozes pure hatred and this just winds people up - surely it can be classed as incitement and for which he can be removed from the streets and put inside where no-one will be able to hear him or have to listen to him - but that's not my decision.
Anyway the MAC man (Muslims against the crusaders) does not speak for everyone or even every Muslim - people are beginning to question the ethnics of what he and his little gang are trying to do.
If you want to have a look at some of the rubbish he speaks or writes then go have a look at his website and have a look around.
Anyway apart from us being promised another 7/7 we have to take into consideration the troops in Afghanistan and how this killing could put them at more risk - already the Taliban had announced a spring offensive in Afghanistan and this will prime them even more - so the coming days , weeks or months may not be good and lets hope that the men and women out there on the front line have their wits about them and get to all come home safe.
The Americans were celebrating in the streets of New York and of Washington - they waved their flags and rejoiced about his death - The same was done in Islamic countries (not all) when the world trade centres were attacked and all those people were killed- they were condemned for doing it and celebrating it - so id imagine on tonight's television in state controlled countries the celebrations will also be condemned by them and Jihad will be asked for -AGAIN -
THE LAST WORD - People celebrating as stated above , Obama is now popular in America and I bet if you look at the presidents ratings tonight he will be as popular now as he was when he was elected , Blair the blood baron has congratulated Obama along with Cameron and others and its like a scene from the wizard of Oz when Dorothy lands her house on the wicked witch - just replace the witch with Bin Laden and then look at America and sing Ding dong the wicked witch is dead and bring on the munchkins.
Anyway - as the used to say in Police 5 with Shaw Taylor - keep em peeled and stay safe people.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
March for England / St.George

Thursday, 10 February 2011
Prisoners and votes - Well I've said it before when they break the law they lose the right to cast their vote as I think that the crime they have set out to commit shows that they are not responsible enough to be given the chance to vote and that is why they have been sent to prison.
They have committed a crime and in doing so have shown they have no idea what responsibility is and it is right to not allow them to vote.
Now the person who started all this off is actually a murdered and he hacked someone to death , so the person he killed lost her right to vote and thus it is right he is unable to do so - just my view remember , but a valid one me thinks.
He did this on our money with legal aid , something there is not right really as he has broken the law and had a sentence passed by a judge , but has been found guilty in a court of law with a jury of his peers , it beggars belief that there are people willing do this and obviously he will appeal at some stage if he has lost and waste more tax payers money - its things like this that make this once so great nation a laughing stock and allows people to take advantage of how we are - but who can blame people , if you are offered something for nothing you are not going to refuse it are you - the blame should lay totally at the doorstep of the people who allow this type of thing to go on because they are too weak to stop it -THE GOVERNMENT.
Prison should be a place where people go whom have committed crimes and and those who have committed more serious crimes should lose their rights to many things as they have taken something away from people - I know many people may not agree but that's the idea of a blog so i can put my view across.
Prison should be made as uncomfortable as possible so the people there do not want to return and there should be limited , if any perks so that the life of a prisoner is that a person comes out and thinks they do not want to return as its the worst place in the world.
The European Union is proving now that our Parliament is against the people of England / Britain and that everything our government do has to be rubber stamped by the people in Brussels.
So we have a puppet government here , yes it was voted for but the real power actually lies outside our borders now.
Cameron has chosen to use the prison votes as a way to rebel against the E.U but is it too little to late and can or is this the beginning of him trying to do something right or is it just a token gesture before we sink into oblivion and disappear under the mighty EU
The EU will call in the lawyers and tell us we are wrong so how much will it take to push Dave around before he either gives in or has to give in?
Is he the premier of this country and if he is he will have to show he has some metal in him when the EU challenge this , I think the wording by one MP today was we will do the most we can to stop this with the minimal requirements that we can - so they are going to oppose it but they will have to allow some bits through , so its not a total outright win.
It is time we got a vote on weather we want to be in the European Union as we have never had the choice to say yes or no and its time we did get the choice to vote yay or nay.
But thinking about it and looking at the Irish vote they first voted no and then the mighty EU decided they would have another vote because the people of Ireland got it wrong the first time and pumped more money then me or you could even think about into the yes campaign and offered big firms like Ryan air and air Lingus subtle bribes to back the yes campaign , again if you are offered something like they were and its free and all you have to do is spend money that you have been given for free to show you back something and a few extra air routes then you are gonna back it with glee.
When the vote happens the BBC and other channels will push a massive yes vote we will need to win it out right by a massive majority to ensure we don't have to vote a second time around.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
The English casue
The English cause is what many people believe in and that cause is what makes me and many others tick.
I am fairly new to the fight for England and its future - I have only been fighting the good fight for about 3 years - I was a late starter and for that i am truely ashamed of myself as seeing what i have seen , it makes me quite sad that it took meover 35 years to wake up and see what is happening and what England needs.
There are many people out there who stand up for England and the people of England and those people do so of their own free will.
There are many different groups and parties around that will tell you they are the ones who are fighting for England and that they are the ones who you should turn to and join.
I am an English Democrat , It is it appears in my blood and I have campaigned for them , Stood for them and spoken about them many times over the last few years.
I have travelled miles to get to places where they have held meetings and to support people - I have stood out in many different weathers to do what is right for them.
There are many many different groups who stand up but many of us do it in our own way - The English Democrats do it via the ballot box and with activists in the streets talking to people , at the moment in many areas we are running elect a mayor campaigns and also standing in by elections.
Other groups such as the ENA and EDL tend to hold marches and demo's in towns and cities around the country and highlight different causes , The ENA also try and support English candidates so they get a boost when they are out and about standing for elections.
The cause is many things - One which many people stand on is an English parliment - Scotland , Ireland and Wales all have their own or their own equivelents where their own MP's vote on thier own issues - then you turn to England and we have , Well actually we have nothing of our own , we have a British parliment which sits in the house of commons in London , but there is also in that house Irish , Scottish and Welsh MP's who all debate in that house and get to vote on English issues so they might not feel the need to do what is best for the English people.
Thats why the Campaign for an English parliment exsists (CEP) They campaign for a parliment for England and it is important that we get that parliment so we can be on an equal footing along with the other nations of this kingdom.
Then there is the national anthem - again the others do , but we don't have our own , some people disagree that we need our own anthem but when England play we should sing our anthem like the Scots do when Scotland play - to be honest I dont think they would be happy to have God save the Queen played before a rugby game , but we dont get a choice.
They are just 2 issues that the people who stand up for the English cause believe in and there are quite a few others that people talk about.
The English democrats who put the people of England first want your help so why not have alook at their page and see if you like what you see.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
A landland in portsmouth was taken to court because she used a non prescribed satalite decoder , so in others words it was not approved and the big companys didnt like it cus she was watching with the people in her pub either cheaper football or free football.
The European Union has now ruled (Brace yourself as it was in our favour (or at the moment it is) that there is nothing anyone can do to stop people buying cheap satlite decoders and watching premiership football from other stations except SKY and ESPN.
I have news for you , many people watch premiership football online and free or for whatever they pay for their internet service and have done for ages.
The reason is becuase it is expensive to have to pay for sky and espn and other channels and some people just have not got the money to do this , plus many countries actaully watch the English premier league football without paying - I know Hong Kong does as when i was there I sat in my room one morning and watched a live game that kicked off a 3pm - Now how many games do we get to see that kick off at 3pm on a saturday live , I dont think i have ever heard of one to be honest.
So whats the answer.
The answer in my view is the football clubs bring down footyballers wages to a level where they are not treated as supreme beings and players dont get over £50,000 a year and that would mean the clubs had smaller over heads and would not need as much money to pay players and this should have a knock on effect , which would be hopefully cheaper tickets for the fans and maybe even cheaper team shirts.
That would inturn mean the FA or the Premier league did not need as much money from the rights that they sell and that would in turn hopefully mean that if the TV companies did not have to pay as much for the rights to screen the football the people at home would not have to pay as much to watch it.
That would mean everybody including the fans , the clubs , the Tv channels had less overheads and the fans would pay less to watch at home and at the grounds making them happy,
That would mean the clubs did not have such high wages so they could still make profits and maybe make more profits which could lead to a reduction in costs of shirts.
That would mean the TV broadcasters who had not paid as much to screen the football would noty have to charge as much to allow people to watching and more people may sign up , but saying that free is still free at the end of the day - So i know i for one would always take free over being charged even if the commentary is not in English , but as i have said to others you dont need the commentary to "WATCH" football
Monday, 31 January 2011
Egypt and beyond
The sad thing is that I really do not think that the majority of people in this country would have the guts to take to the streets or would not want to because as it stands too many people benefit from the country as it stands and would not want any sort of revolution or revolt.
Society now is at a stage where here in the UK most people would not gain from a revolution because they are too comfortable with how it is and what they are getting out of it.
The Benefit scroungers
These people would sit on their arse's and watch with interest what was happening , but not take to the streets because as it is they get their benefits and live off of the fat of the working people and are happy with it as it is -Backing the Government 100%
The Left wingers and the do Gooders
Again their world is nice and comfy they have people in the position they want them and the government backs them with their people within the UAF and the Red flag wavers can come out every so often and have a riot and then go away again with the satisfaction , that they have caused the police trouble enough until they come back again.
People look at them and they look at people and as long as they are backing the person who really should not be allowed in or to stay in this country , then they are and with the weak government as it is , that's how they want things to stay - Backing the Government 100%
The Asylum Seekers and Illegals
IF you were an asylum seeker in this country legal or illegal you would want things how they were because , if you break the law and the government try and send you home you just quote human rights and get to stay (There are law abiding asylum seekers of course), nobody can touch you and you sit there comfy and happy.
The Illegals are also happy because think about it , the police raid where you are working and find you to be an illegal immigrant , they arrest you and take you to the local police station where they process you but can not find your passport (yippee) , so they give you licence to go away and report back every week until they can prove who you are (the jails are too full) , so you say they and are never seen again - Backing the Government 100%
The Extremists
Too easy really they protest , they preach , they cry , they wail , they demand , they claim benefits , they are a protected species , they hate everything about this country , they want sharia law , they want everything now and then and free.
Nobody can touch them they have the support of the left wingers and the government are too scared to do anything about them.
They would actually and more than likely take to the streets , but not in backing the government in doing so but to see how far they could get with creating their own little independent space , they would enforce no go area's and drive or remove those who spoke out or opposed them , their community spokesmen (they would have to be men due to how they live) would speak up in favour of backing the government , but in reality it would be in support of them and them alone
Backing the Government 70% / Backing their own kind 100%
The Non British
When you go out and talk to people when you are canvassing many people who are not British will tell you this country has changed since the 60's , 70's or 80's when they came here and something needs to be done as people are taking advantage of it and it disgusting , they want a strong government because they can see their children growing up in a place that is really not nice.
These people could be on the side of the revolutionaries but may need a nudge in the right direction to show they that it was worth their time helping out and joining us
Backing the government 60%
The Europeans
Another definite backing of 100% for the government as they get to many benefits to let the government change hands where else can you come and go as you please , claim benefits for your children and wife who are not even in the country and claim back tax and reap many rewards if you do things the right way and watch the poor old British slug their guts out and pay every tax that there is - LONG LIVE THE E.U.
The Americans
Apparently we have a special relationship with the American government , but from what i can see its only special when they think it needs to be or the wording suits them , they refused point blankly to back us in a war of words against Argentina over the Falkland which they did in 1982 as well , but when it comes to making sure they get what they want its special.
They would of course back the government but have to get something out of it to make it worth their while and maybe even request troops on our streets to join those from NATO.
Officially Backing the government 100% - once they had agreed to their terms and conditions of course -
The European Union (a.k.a Brussels)
The E.U. would not want anything to change as we are subservient and we do as we are told occasionally we show we have some muscle and put up a token gesture of resistance against them , but i am pretty sure its only done to make the government look good.
We pay too much money for anything to change and everyone who the French , Germans and others don't want pass through their country's to here without a blink of an eye and it suits everybody down to the ground
Backing the Government 100%
The Patriots
From what I can see these are the only people who would take to the streets in an effort to make things change for the right reasons.
Anybody else who took to the streets apart from who I have said above would do it purely for personal gain.
The Patriots and there are many and varied would take to the streets to get change and possibly force an election where if it was done right , a nationalist government could be imposed of various parties on the wave of euphoria and pride.
There are as we know many different patriotic groups and and parties and many people who do not belong to any of them would take to the streets , simply because they have had enough of what is going on.
There are a known 70 plus thousand EDL members on face book alone , that is face book and many more who are not there , with the people who back parties like UKIP , Bnp , English Shield wall , ENA , The English Democrats , Freelance patriots who just believe in the cause of England or Britain and many other groups there would be hundreds of thousands on the streets and it would have to be continuous and last until the government stepped down and decided to put pride back into our country.
WINNERS / LOSERS and When it would happen
When would it happen , to be honest the sooner the better because something needs to happen so the people of this country and gain their pride and respect back - How long it will take I am not sure simply because the English and British are very laid back , a kick up the backside may be required.
Everyone that likes the country as it is where we are a dustbin allow people to walk all over us and take everything they can for nothing.
That includes many people here who are born and bred who just sit on their arse's and claim benefits because they can and have no need to work.
That includes many people who feel at home here and come from abroad and work the system to breaking point.
That includes many people who are in this country to take what they can get for whoever they can get it for and make as much money as possible by doing it.
You and I know who they are and we read about them and see them day in and day out , They are riding on the last bus to the docks now , it may be a fairly long ride but eventually their time will come.
The Winners
Weather you are Scottish , English , Welsh , Irish or British - The winner is you because we get our country back and everyone who has ever come to this country that has worked everyday of their lives paid their taxes and not scrounged (and there are many) would reap the rewards.
A pride and a passion would resonate through the country.
A new government strong and touch would be put into place.
The European Union would be removed and we would be free to make our own laws once again.
There is so much that we could gain from something like this and also so much we could lose at the same time.
Something like this does not happen without its risks and many people may get hurt not just physically but also mentally , many things may happen that people do not want to happen and the media today would obviously focus on these things.
The Media would be at the forefront of what happened news papers in the early days and then Television , we would need to try and make sure that they highlighted the good behind what was going on and the reasoning behind it , but it would be hard.
That is the question , or is it
Is is actually worth it ?
Only you can answer that question.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Dumbing down
Lets look at the whats happening and think about it.
England , We are the only home country without control of our own affairs as Scotland has its own Parliament , Ireland has Stormont and the Welsh have their own Assembly with only their MP's deciding on their issues where with English Issues they all have a say
National anthem - The above four once again have their own and well we have God Save the Queen which is the British anthem , so maybe we should have our own as well , I am aware some people don't agree on this issue , but personally i think we should have Jerusalem.
Petrol - The prices are going up , I read a article the other day where it is said petrol will reach £1.60 a litre by the summer and the the government are thinking about petrol rationing , if this happens travel will be restricted as you will not have the petrol to get anywhere and this is a form of control as they would limit the places you can go and that would effect activists , no petrol , no travel , no demo's - No problem to the government -We'd be good little people.
Interest rates - There is a suggestion that these will rocket soon from 0.5% to 6% over a period of weeks - savers (if you are lucky enough to have cash to stash will be happier) but those with a mortgage will be screwed and find mortgages rising rapidly (more bonuses for the fat cat bankers)
With the two above people will find it hard to do anything apart from live their daily lives and have food on the table to eat.
Citizens advice Bureau's - I have seen tonight that these are going to be closed down in many areas as part of the cuts , they are free places to attend for people who have problems and as it says it offers advice , but if they are closed , you would need a solicitor which can be quite expensive - more money-
Police stations that are part time , Hospital's Accident and emergency's being closed down - It restricts you to where you can go.
Speed cameras and CCTV - These are all part of big brother and so "they" know where YOU are at most times - I've said it before a while back about tracking and keeping an eye on YOU AND YOUR MOVEMENTS
Control again - Next year at the Olympics in London there will be route's just for the athletes and no one else can use ?? Everything will become more expensive and if you look at the taxes , Londoners are actually paying an Olympic tax to pay for the building work.
It was said just after we lost out on the world cup vote that Sepp Blatter was uninvited by Boris Johnson to stay at the Ritz i think it was during the Olympics at OUR expense , but why should we have even had to pay for this - he would have brought many people with him , like the others who are classed as officials and dignitaries , they will all bring to many people and clog up our hotels where paying tourists would stay.
The Census which happens this year - We'll you can't be English on this and you will have no choice but to fill it in or its a criminal offence (I've got round this i think I've applied to work with them and can infiltrate the inner sanctum in my area so i can "ASSIST" people with filling them out(wink wink))
Parking control - I know in London it is almost at a point where you can not park anywhere without a permit or paying for it and the prices are going up and not only do you fight against lurking traffic wardens but also cameras and their operatives
Libraries - cut backs mean that some of these are being closed down so people can not get access to free books and many people go to them and there is a wide variety of books to choose from , but if they close , people will not have access to knowledge - Is that the plan ? -
Immigration , Its a bit different from the rest but we can not control immigration from within the E.U. so everybody who can come here does come here and outside of the E.U. , it looks like the government just ask people to come so our way of life is not what it was - The councils and other bodies spend money on translation services of all types (if someone is arrested they have to understand what is said , booklets and documents for all types of services are translated)
S o the money which is spent on this is not available for other things and we lose more.
Every step of the way the people above us want to control us and if we are thick and can not do anything then they control us - Education apparently children who learn language's are dropping in normal schools , Is this because they know there are not the jobs out there and the lower paid jobs are the aim so they can at least get money ?
There are many other ways of control and dumbing us down - Strikes so we can not travel or have to go the route that they want.
Traffic control , I.e road works mean you have to take diversions again this is them controlling us and MAKING us go in a certain direction - people never question things that become normal , unless they are brave or outspoken.
The media is the worse , they control what they want you to know and what they want you to see although its harder nowadays because of the Internet , but if you post on Face book or YouTube you have a chance of items being removed - More big brother.
Speed control zones - These are mainly on motor ways and make sure you travel at the correct speed over quite long distances and if you blip you get a ticket and its all done by registration recognition , so no escape
Well there is a lot there - I think the way out of this is to question everything and challenge as much as you can - email , letters , write into newspapers , radio stations , Internet blogs , chat rooms - there are many ways you can talk and spread the word butt he best is complaining to the councils and MP's as often as you can.
Monday, 24 January 2011
Is this England or is it ....
Yesterday , I went to Hillingdon to help with the local English Democrats elect a mayor campaign.
It was to say the least an interesting day , we did meet a few interesting people who gave us their thoughts and didn't hold back when they spoke and we also met a true character of the area , a nice man who is a friend of Cliff Dixon whom we were helping.
So the question is this England or are we .... Well to be honest I'm really not sure , i spoke or at least tried to speak with about 100 people over the course of the day , some just couldn't understand me because they just didn't speak English , One lady whom i approached actually asked her son to translate for her and the husband read ( i think he did anyway) the petition word for word and still never signed it and while he was doing that his daughter decided to run round me and use me as a buffer cushion.
The local Natwest had its own sign up and underneath it was 4 languages 3 of which were Arabic i believe and then in the corner English.
The local butcher was a Halal butcher only , no problem with Halal , but a choice of non Muslims is always nice and the butcher or the man working in the shop didn't have a proper hat on just some woolly hat on when serving the meat ?? (something wrong there).
The people in Robes , turbans and burkhas out numbered the others by many and some appeared just to scared to talk to us , for whatever reason.
Were were stared at by people who i think were simply amazed to see the England flags on our table and the English Democrat banners at the sides and it just didn't seam right that we had them up , maybe the MAC flag would have gone down a bit better ??
We were told a story by someone who is reliable that a new tower block had been built and the local council had moved mainly people in from Somalia and when meter readers had gone into the flats , they had built little fires in the middle of the main room to cook on ? they had proper ovens but choose to decimate the place and make holes to build fires , have these people no sense at all.
I always try to work for integration between people but looking at the people in this place its hard to imagine any of them wanting to integrate with the home grown people of the area.
None of them whom didn't speak English would be int rested in learning it , because the need is not there and neither is the requirement because they can live in their own little worlds and be surrounded by other people like them and know that we will make every effort to communicate with them if we need to by either having a translator around or by publishing forms and such in multiple languages so that they do have to try and learn.
I could never see them celebrating St.Georges day there and enjoying the English culture with us as they would not understand and nor would they want to.
Its not about being racist , its about being respectful of the country that you are in and learning and understanding about the people and its customs and it works both ways , we have opened our doors and allowed you to have free access to our wonderful land , now give us something back and learn from us and do not use us.
You here about communities and police and other groups working with local communities Muslim community's , black community's ,polish community's etc etc but stop , hold that thought for a minute and think about it - Instead of being separate community's why not just be one big community and work together for understanding that way we would all learn about each other , the police or whomever would not need separate liaison officers for different people ,but just one person who would be the community officer and work with everybody , it has worked before and can still work , but we all have to work.
Respect works all ways not just one way.
Understanding worked s all ways not just one way.